Budget shortfall grows to $8 billion
OLYMPIA – Saying that “everything we feared could go wrong, did,” Washington state’s economic weather forecaster on Thursday said state revenues will likely drop another $2.3 billion by mid-2011, bringing the state’s overall budget shortfall to about $8 billion.
“It has become clear to me that we were not pessimistic enough,” said Arun Raha, executive director of the state’s revenue forecast council. In November, the council predicted a shortfall of about $5.7 billion. The gap is the difference between expected revenues and the cost of maintaining the current level of state services and programs.
Lawmakers said the news wasn’t unexpected. They’ve already come up with hundreds of millions of dollars in state cuts and federal dollars, with another $2 billion or more expected from the federal stimulus just signed by President Obama.
Still, budget writers face a daunting problem as they try to preserve state services. The governor’s office says the $6.8 billion budget shortfall for 2009-2011 equals about 20 percent of the state budget, the largest in state history. That’s more than the state spends on higher education, prisons and children’s health care combined. Between now and July, the state also faces a $721 million shortfall.
Thursday’s news makes it more likely that lawmakers, desperate to avoid severe budget cuts to social services and higher education, will seek voters’ approval for a tax hike.
“We still believe that we’re going to proceed with cuts first, but there’s a certain point at which you cannot go any further,” said Senate Majority Leader Lisa Brown, D-Spokane.
She said lawmakers don’t have specific plans yet on the size, type or timing of a potential tax hike. They want to first see what the cuts would look like.
State employees, teachers and advocates for the poor have all been publicly calling for tax hikes to offset budget cuts. On Thursday, about two dozen economists and policy experts told Brown and other lawmakers that deep cuts would hurt the economy more than tax hikes.
Brown said she’s convinced that voters would back a tax plan if presented not in terms of “faceless government” but from the perspective of people – an unemployed worker, a single mom wanting health care for her kids – who rely on state services. “I think people can relate to that,” said. Brown.
Sen. Mark Schoesler, R-Ritzville, said Democrats are clearly headed for a tax hike.
“They will drag out the most vulnerable as an excuse to raise taxes. It certainly won’t be bureaucrats,” he said. He and other Republican lawmakers are arguing for more cuts instead.
“I just don’t think we should be throwing in the towel and asking the taxpayers for a bailout,” said Rep. Ed Orcutt, R-Carrolls.
Despite the grief, Sen. Joe Zarelli said, the state is still expected to take in more money in 2011 than in 2010. He said that simply freezing state spending for two years, starting this summer, would erase all but about $1 billion of the budget problem.
But that’s not realistic, responded Victor Moore, Gregoire’s budget writer. The state cannot order its suppliers not to increase their prices, or decide that no additional people will be allowed into schools or prisons. It cannot turn away people who qualify for health care under federal Medicaid rules.
“That’s the world we live in,” said Moore.
Raha said Washington’s economy, which had been outperforming most of the nation, “hit the wall” in the fourth quarter of last year. Holiday sales were hurt by bad weather. Some of the state’s biggest employers Boeing, Microsoft, Starbucks announced layoffs. And auto and housing sales have dropped sharply, as have the state’s exports.
“The state economy is caught up in a downward spiral that has devastated the national economy,” he said.
The good news: Raha still believes that Washington will emerge from what is already a 14-month recession earlier than the rest of the country. But he cautioned that he doesn’t expect a return to robust growth “until the middle of 2010.”
The state, which depends heavily on sales tax for its budget, is now at a record low for consumer confidence, said Raha. Uncertain about their jobs, people are putting off major purchases. January car sales, for example, were down 40 percent compared to a year ago. New housing permits are now declining faster than in the rest of the nation, he said, and sales of existing homes are doing no better.
The reason for the lingering recession, he said, is a “three legged stool of misery.” People with homes are struggling to pay their mortgages and are facing foreclosure. That leaves banks with “toxic assets” on their balance sheets and hurts investors. That means lost jobs, which hurts consumer spending and means that people lose their homes. Each of these problems feeds the others.
Until consumer confidence returns and spending resumes, Raha said, the recession will continue.