Open Eyes, Minds, Hearts to Mentoring – Inland Northwest Mentoring is looking for individuals to volunteer time and resources to produce public service information to promote mentoring, including brochures, bookmarks, buttons, bags, and multi-media. For more information or if you are a business interested in promoting mentoring within your organization and to the public call Naaman at 838-6581 ext. 112.
Second Harvest Inland Northwest – Volunteer for Yoke’s supermarkets food drive and help fight hunger. Participating stores include Airway Heights, Montgomery Ave. and Argonne Road, North Indian Trail Road, E. Sprague Ave., in Veradale, North Foothills Dr. and on N. Market St., in Mead. Shifts are Shifts are from 8 a.m. to noon, noon to 4 p.m. and 4 to 7 p.m. To sign up and for more information contact Julie at 252-6242.
Spokane Valley Partners – Volunteers who can give two or more hours per week are needed to sort clothes and operate client tracking software for the Spokane Valley Partners clothing bank. Contact Connie at 927-1153, ext. 18.
Spokane Neighborhood Action Programs – SNAP’s Living Green program is looking for volunteers to assist with public events and classes. For more information, visit www.livinggreen.org.