Out & About

Wintering anglers submit to vises
Fly fishers don’t chill during the cold months. They invest time learning the sport and filling their fly boxes with patterns they’ll use the rest of the year.
Locally, individuals and clubs have scheduled courses on fly-tying, as well as rod building and complete fly-fishing schools. Among them:
•Sportsman’s Warehouse, one-hour introduction to fly-tying equipment and techniques, Saturday, 1 p.m. Free. Info: 891-1900.
•Silver Bow Fly Shop in Spokane Valley, evening fly-tying courses Spokane for beginners, Feb. 2-4, and for intermediates, Feb. 9-11. Cost: $75. Info: 924-9080
Rod building
•Cabela’s introductions to rod building in Post Falls, Feb. 1 and Feb. 8 at 11 a.m. Free.
•Steve Moran, custom rod builder in Spokane Valley, private classes for 1-2 participants, $65. Info: 869-3474.
Fly-fishing schools
• Inland Empire Fly Fishing Club Fly Fishing Course at Ferris High School, Monday nights Jan. 26- March 9, plus casting clinic, $62. Info: Institute for Extended Learning, (509) 279-6000.
•Spokane Fly Fishers Fly Fishing School, Thursday evenings March 19-April 30 with some weekend clinics. Cost: $100 adults or $60 for youths 12-16; includes course materials. Info: (509) 464-1090; www.spokaneflyfishers.com .
Go 24-hours at Schweitzer
Skiers and boarders will be testing their endurance and raising money for cystinosis research in a team event, 24 Hours of Schweitzer, Jan. 30-31. Prizes.
Info: www.24hoursforhank.org .
Run ‘jour’ dog on skis
Learn how to harness your canine’s energy into an exhilarating cross-country ski tour. A class on ski-jouring is set for Saturday at 49 Degrees North. Cost: $29.
Sign-up: Spokane Parks and Recreation, 625-6200; www.spokaneparks.org .
Next course: Priest Lake sled dog and ski-jouring races, Feb. 7-8, and Paws and Poles event, March 7 at 49 Degrees North.
Best fishing times
Lunar tables from the U.S. Naval Observatory. Be fishing at least one hour before and one hour after peak times. Applies to all time zones.
(* indicates best days.)
Through Jan. 25
* Today
6:10 a.m., 6:30 p.m.
6:55 a.m., 7:20 p.m.
7:45 a.m., 8:10 p.m.
8:35 a.m., 9 p.m.
9:25 a.m., 9:50 p.m.
10:15 a.m., 10:40 p.m.
* Saturday
11:05 a.m., 11:30 p.m.
* Next Sunday
11:55 a.m., 12:15 p.m.
See the Hunting-Fishing Report
every Friday in Sports