Panhandle Nordic Ski and Snowshoe Club – Saturday, 11 a.m. meet at the Fourth of July Canyon Recreation Center off Interstate 90 for the Best-Hand Fun Ski, poker run-type event.
AARP Tax-Aide - The nations largest, free, volunteer-run tax assistance and preparation service will be offered beginning Monday. The service will serve low- to moderate-income taxpayers of any age. Now taking appointments at the following locations: Lake City Senior Center, 1916 Lakewood Drive, 667-4628; Post Falls Senior Center, 1215 E. Third Ave., 773-9582; Athol Community Center, Highway 54 and Third Street, 683-2407; Rathdrum Senior Center, 8037 Montana St., 687-2028. Walk-ins welcome at these locations; Lutheran Church of the Master, corner of Ramsey Road and Kathleen Avenue, Friday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; Silver Lake Mall, 200 W. Hanley Ave., Monday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; and Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4-8 p.m., Kellogg Senior Center, 211 McKinley Ave., Feb. 9, March 9 and April 6 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Shut-ins call 667-4628 or 687-2028 for an appointment. Various locations in North Idaho. Free.