Idaho records
Police blotter
Coeur d’Alene police
Levi Gurno reported Monday the $388 theft of a longboard, energy drinks, a tobacco pipe and sunglasses from his 1990 Chevrolet pickup parked at his home on the 3800 block of West Loxton Loop.
William Pelley, employee of Parkside Bistro, reported Monday the $1,916 theft of cash from the business at 414 W. Mullan Ave.
Page Davisson reported Friday the $560 theft of two iPods from her 2003 Mitsubishi Eclipse parked on the 300 block of East Garden Avenue.
Chelsea Broadbent reported Friday the $1,100 theft of speakers from her 1996 Honda Accord parked at her home on the 3500 block of West Thorndale Loop.
Chelsea Bowman, Spokane Valley, reported Saturday the $405 theft of a purse, digital camera, cell phone and iPod with adapter from her 1995 Dodge Stratus parked at 460 North College Drive.
Kootenai County sheriff
Ralph Peet, Hayden Lake, reported Monday the $2,000 theft of a stereo system and digital camera from his 2006 Chaparal boat moored at a private dock on Cooper’s Bay on Hayden Lake.
Alanda Harrison, Coeur d’Alene, reported Monday the $920 theft of a coin collection from his home on the 4300 block of North Maple Leaf Road.
Glenna Schwartz, Greenacres, Wash., reported Sunday the $490 theft of tools from property on the 2100 block of North McGuire Road in Post Falls.
Marty Hann, Rathdrum, reported Monday $5,000 damage to a light pole at Cornerstone Dental Center, 8385 N. Cornerstone Drive in Hayden.
Brent Baldwin, Hayden, reported Monday the $1,900 theft of a stereo, float tube and iPod from his boat moored at 3677 E. Tobler Road on Hayden Lake.
Thomas Hufty, Liberty Lake, reported Monday $300 damage to steps and railing of a home on the 11000 block of North Bob Worst Lane in Hayden.
News of record
Criminal sentencings
Judge Penny Friedlander
Terence L. Fairchild, 21, Coeur d’Alene; use or possession of drug paraphernalia with intent to use; $250 fine, one year in jail (335 days suspended) or 40 hours county work program, 20 days unscheduled jail time, two years probation.
Ryan R. Martin, 21, Spirit Lake; possession of paraphernalia; $500 fine ($200 suspended), one year in jail (355 days suspended) or 40 hours county work program, two years probation.
Connor D. Morris, 22, Coeur d’Alene; misdemeanor probation violation; 10 days in jail or 40 hours county work program.
Richard O. McKnight, 36, Coeur d’Alene; driving under the influence; $1,000 fine ($250 suspended), 180 days in jail (170 days suspended) or 40 hours county work program, 90 days driver’s license suspension, two years probation.
Dupree L. Meadows, 40, Coeur d’Alene; driving under the influence; $1,000 fine ($500 suspended), 180 days in jail (118 days suspended, 62 days credited), 90 days driver’s license suspension, two years probation.
Julia C. Schmehl, 23, Hayden; disturbing the peace; $500 fine (suspended), 180 days in jail (150 days suspended), 30 days unscheduled jail time, two years probation.
Laura M. Karst, 50, Hayden; misdemeanor probation violation; six days in jail.
Cyrus W. Glenn, 51, Post Falls; driving under the influence; $1,000 fine, 180 days in jail (147 days suspended) or 80 hours county work program, 20 days unscheduled jail time, 90 days driver’s license suspension, two years probation.
Judge Quentin Harden
Octavia D. Oster, 35, Spokane; Count I: inattentive driving; $250 fine, 90 days in jail (75 days suspended), two years probation. Count II: driving under the influence; $1,000 fine ($500 suspended), 180 days in jail (177 days suspended), 90 days driver’s license suspension, two years probation. Count III: driving without privileges; $500 fine ($250 suspended), 180 days in jail (178 days suspended), 180 days driver’s license suspension, two years probation.
David A. Aga, 20, Coeur d’Alene; disturbing the peace; $200 fine, 180 days in jail (170 days suspended) or 40 hours county work program, two years probation.
Judge James Stow
Ronald B. Norfleet, battery, $500 fine ($400 suspended), 180 days in jail (166 days suspended, 14 days credited), two years probation.
Judge Patrick McFadden
Daniel P. Valverde Jr., 35, Post Falls; misdemeanor probation violation; 15 days in jail or proof of completion of treatment.
Judge Eugene Marano
Ramon D. Becktell, 46, Arlington, Wash.; Count I: driving without privileges; 180 days in jail. Count II: unlawful transportation/open container; 180 days in jail. Counts concurrent.
Civil complaints
Lonnie and Christina Chase v. Stacy and Roni Akana, seeking $375,000.
Hayden Les Schwab Tire Center v. Tiffany Van Zee, seeking $1,326.
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Keisha Batalia McEnaney and Curtis McEnaney, seeking $1,284.
Les Schwab Tires v. Noah Jamison, seeking $1,794.
Jerry Morales v. Peter Gausmann and Sarah “Jessica” Carter and Cody Andrews, seeking $1,000
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Jonathan Guzman, seeking $2,644.
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. John Thornton, seeking $6,858.
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Vikki Jones, seeking $6,702.
Hayden Les Schwab Tire Center v. Joel Jensen Jr., seeking $1,006.
Capital One Bank USA v. Amber Hope, seeking $1,111.
Harvest Credit Management VII LLC v. Jerry Dietz Jr., seeking $8,288.
Stephen Atkinson M.D. P.C. v. Easyway Professional Inc., Eric Ruud, and Richard and Joyce Fahnestock, dba Medical Software Etc., seeking an amount to be proved at trial.
Western Peterbilt Inc. v. Robinett Rental & Excavation Inc. and Craig Robinett, seeking $6,630.
North Idaho Credit Corp. v. Blake Smith, seeking $3,809.
North Idaho Credit Corp. v. James Wall Jr., seeking $13,054.
North Idaho Credit Corp. v. Roger Wiltshire, seeking $8,451.
North Idaho Credit Corp. v. John McClaren, seeking $15,300.
North Idaho Credit Corp. v. Mark Prochnau and Elizabeth Prochnau, seeking $1,426.
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Christopher Kunishige and Tina Kunishige, seeking $2,148.
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Sean Cole, seeking $2,416.
Hilco Receivables LLC v. David Lenon, seeking $6,124.
NCO Portfolio Management v. Wayne Mott, seeking $1,884.
Palisades Collection LLC v. Jamie Farrow, seeking $7,505.
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Sandra Harris, seeking $2,366.
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Lori Welch, seeking $2,506.
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Edward and Suzanne Hartz, seeking $3,011.
Wells Fargo Bank N.A. v. Christopher Walker and Leslie Walker, seeking $25,929.
Civil judgments
Discover Bank v. Judy Doney, plaintiff awarded $5,822.
North Idaho Credit Corp. v. Eric Fauskin, dba Pacific States Design, plaintiff awarded $2,014.
Automated Accounts Inc. v. Mark and Lamae Cooke, plaintiff awarded $1,065.
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Bobbi Wilson, plaintiff awarded $3,116.
North Idaho Credit Corp. v. Christopher Winter, plaintiff awarded $3,176.
American General Finance v. Jaime Leonard, plaintiff awarded $3,353.
ACS Inc. of Idaho v. Jason Moshan, plaintiff awarded $3,177.
Larry Souza v. Kim Engan, plaintiff awarded $2,665.
North Idaho Credit Corp. v. Jeffery and Debra Rice, plaintiff awarded $1,799.
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Kelly Clayburn and Chris Clayburn, plaintiff awarded $1,159.
Steve Starr and Alice Starr v. Phil Saeman, plaintiff awarded $1,363.
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Carl Hoskins, plaintiff awarded $4,655.
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Erin and Corey Deleonard, plaintiff awarded $1,459.
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Elizabeth Fuller, plaintiff awarded $1,357.
Cindy Gruhot v. Sarah Howard, plaintiff awarded $3,070.
Karen Baerwald v. Vernon Baldridge, plaintiff awarded $2,005.
American Express Centurion Bank v. Jamie Loftis, plaintiff awarded $13,307.
Treo Development Company LLC v. Jacob Root, dba K & N Construction, plaintiff awarded $12,944.
North Idaho Credit Corp. v. Michelle Pilmore, plaintiff awarded $4,335.
Tom and Sharon McLaughlin v. Matthew and Alicia Houston, plaintiff awarded $1,510.
Divorces sought
Jack M. LaRue from Letha J. LaRue.
Brooke B. Jones from Kyle M. Jones.
Alisah M. Lanfell from Justin L. Lanfell.
Divorces granted
Sonya Rieker-Lanore from Scott Lanore.
Dawne Ransford from Robert P. Ransford.
Ruth Inabent from Robert Inabent.
Clifford A. Strandridge from Gail A. Standridge.
Robert Gewecke from JoEllen Gewecke.
Jason Jones from Carly M. Jones.