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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Dealing with hepatitis C

Peter H. Gott

DEAR DR. GOTT: I’m a 74-year-old female and have recently contracted hepatitis C. I’m too old for interferon or a transplant. I’m itching all over and have tried cornstarch and all anti-itch creams. Is there anything I can take or any foods I can avoid eating to get rid of the itch?

DEAR READER: Hepatitis C is one of six identified hepatitis viruses and is generally considered to be among the most serious.

As a general rule, the infection does not produce any symptoms in the early stages, and, until liver damage occurs, most people remain completely unaware they even have the disorder. When symptoms do occur, they present in the form of muscle or joint pain, poor appetite, nausea and fatigue, and are commonly attributed to other causes. Later-stage symptoms can be low-grade fever and persistent or recurring jaundice of the skin and eyes.

Hepatitis C can be acquired by contact with blood contaminated with the virus, through injecting drugs with contaminated needles, body piercing, tattooing or through hemodialysis for kidney failure. In 1992, improved blood-screening testing became available. Transfusions received prior to that year increased the possibility of transmission.

Testing can be performed through simple blood drawing. Should the results be positive, your physician can order a measure of the quantity of virus present and can have the genetic makeup of the virus evaluated. The knowledge of which of the six genotypes has been contracted will help a physician determine the most appropriate course of treatment. If minimal liver abnormalities are discovered, no treatment may be necessary. However, because there is no true means to determine whether liver disease will develop, a physician might choose to fight the virus.

While inappropriate for people with major depression, a common medication for care is interferon combined with ribavirin, a broad-spectrum antiviral. The duo has been known to clear infection from the body in up to 80 percent of those treated.

Oddly enough, you indicate you are too old for interferon, because side effects include skin irritation for both interferon and ribavirin. There is a strong possibility that a rash is causing the itch you experience, and skin rash should be brought to your physician’s attention. It could represent a progression of the hepatitis that should be addressed. Or you may simply be on a different medication for another medical problem that has skin irritation as a side effect. In any event, you require something stronger than over-the-counter remedies for relief.

It is also important that you take steps to reduce your risk of worsening damage to your liver. This includes eliminating all alcohol from your diet. Also, any medications that carry a side effect or risk of causing or worsening liver damage should be discussed with your physician to determine whether they are truly necessary or whether there is an alternative.

Because hepatitis C is a blood-borne disease, you should also be especially careful should you become wounded or bleeding. Don’t share razors and toothbrushes; inform anyone with whom you have close contact. In the event that you become injured, try to have latex gloves nearby for anyone who is able to assist you.

To provide related information, I am sending you a copy of my Health Report “Blood: Donations and Disorders.” Other readers who would like a copy should send a self-addressed stamped No. 10 envelope and a check or money order for $2 to Newsletter, P.O. Box 167, Wickliffe, OH 44092. Be sure to mention the title.

Dr. Peter Gott is a retired physician. He writes for United Media.