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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Senior activities


Orlando’s Presidential Luncheon – Friday. Enjoy a Presidential five-course meal, served by the culinary arts students at Spokane Community College. Includes lunch, transportation, and attendant. For details call (509) 327-2861. Sinto Senior Activity Center, 1124 W. Sinto Ave.


AARP, Greater Spokane Chapter No. 384 – Meets the fourth Tuesday of each month, 11:30 a.m. at Old Country Buffet at Franklin Mall, 5504 N. Division, no-host lunch available; (509) 534-1737 or (509) 534-7042.

AARP, Spokane Falls Chapter – Meets the first Thursday of each month, 10:30 a.m. at Old Bob’s Restaurant, 3243 E. Trent Ave.; (509) 466-4013.

AARP Senior Employment – Specializes in jobs for persons 55 years and older. Employers are looking for your years of experience, maturity and dependability, call (509) 325-7712 for more information.

Aging and Long-term Care of Eastern Washington – The planning and management council usually meets the fourth Friday of each month from 1-3:30 p.m. at 1222 N. Post St. For more information, call (509) 458-2509.

Arthritic Exercise Class – Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 3:45-4:45 p.m. at Hillyard Senior Center, 4001 N. Cook St. For more information, call (509) 482-0803.

Arts and Crafts – Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 10 a.m. at East Central Senior Center, 500 S. Stone St. Call (509) 625-6693 for more information.

Brain Aerobics – Work on brain teasers, Sudoku puzzles and optical illusions. Fridays, 10-11:30 a.m. at the Southside Senior Activity Center, 3151 E. 27th Ave. $1. Call (509) 535-0803 for more information.

Carebears Support Group For those widowed or alone, this group meets Mondays from noon-1 p.m. at the Southside Senior Activity Center, 3151 E. 27th Ave. For more information, call the center at (509) 535-0803.

Ceramics Tuesdays, various times at the Hillyard Senior Center, 4001 N. Cook. Call 482-0803 for more information; Thursdays, 9 a.m.-noon at the Spokane Valley Senior Center, 2426 N. Discovery Place. $5 per visit, $20 per month. Call (509) 926-1937.

China painting – Wednesdays, 9 a.m.-noon at the Hillyard Senior Center, 4001 N. Cook. Call (509) 482-0803 for more information.

Computer classes – A variety of beginning computer classes offered through the Institute of Extended Learning. Call (509) 533-4756 for list, times, locations and costs.

Computer Lab – Mondays and Wednesdays, 10-11:30 a.m. and Thursdays, 10-11:30 a.m. at the East Central Senior Center, 500 S. Stone St. Call (509) 625-6693 for more information.

Corbin Senior Activity Center – Offers a variety of classes, health services, education classes and activities, 827 W. Cleveland Ave. For more information, call (509) 327-1584.

Crafts and Quilts – Thursdays, 9 a.m.-noon at Hillyard Senior Center, 4001 N. Cook St. For more information, call (509) 482-0803.

Drop-In Beginning Computer Classes – 10 a.m.-noon on select Mondays; Hillyard Senior Center. Free to members. Call (509) 482-0803 for dates.

Gentle Exercise – The Institute for Extended Learning seniors program offers this class at several locations and times. For information, call (509) 533-4756.

Happy Computer Users classes – At the Professional Hearing Health Care Center, 12211 E. Broadway, Suite 4; contact Linda Walston at (509) 218-3650 for dates, times and prices.

Hillyard Senior Center – Offers a variety of classes, health services, education classes and activities, 4001 N. Cook St. For more information, call (509) 482-0803.

Jacks and Jenny’s Dance Club – Meets the third Saturday of each month from August through May at the North Spokane Dance Center, 7424 N. Freya. Pre-round is 7:30-8 p.m., ROM from 8-8:30 and mainstream dance from 8:30-10:30. The cost is a $4 donation. For information, call Jeanette Blood at (509) 487-7446.

Knitting Classes – Learn new techniques. Mondays, 1-4 p.m. at the Spokane Valley Senior Center, 2426 N. Discovery Place. Free. Call (509) 926-1937.

Knitwits – Knitting group meets Thursdays, 12:30-2:30 p.m., Senior Activity Center, 3151 E. 27th Ave. Bring your project and prepare to have fun. Free. Call (509) 535-0803.

Mind and Body exercises – A free senior wellness program that includes a variety of exercises meets Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:30-11 a.m., Country Homes Christian Church, 8415 N. Wall. Call (509) 466-3414.

Multimedia art – Fridays, 9 a.m.-noon, Spokane Valley Senior Center, 2426 N. Discovery Place. Call (509) 926-1937.

New Horizons Orchestra – This group meets Tuesday nights from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Holy Names Music Center, 3910 W. Custer Drive. Beginners are welcome. The cost is $35 per month. For information, call (509) 326-9516.

New Horizons Choir – This group meets Wednesday nights from 6:30-8 p.m. at Holy Names Music Center, 3910 W. Custer Drive. Beginners are welcome. The cost is $35 per month. For information, call (509) 326-9516.

New Horizons Bluegrass Band – This group meets Friday nights from 6:30-8 p.m. at Holy Names Music Center, 3910 W. Custer Drive. The cost is $35 per month. For information, call (509) 326-9516.

Nia Movement Techniques – Fusion fitness yoga classes offered Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9-10 a.m. at the Unity Church of Truth, 2900 S. Bernard St. To register, call (509) 533-4756.

Painting Classes – Mondays, 9 a.m.-noon and 1-4 p.m., at Hillyard Senior Center, 4001 N. Cook St. For more information, call (509) 482-0803.

Pedicures – Second and third Mondays of each month, Southside Senior Activity Center, 3151 E. 27th Ave. Cost is $13 for a 15-minute treatment. Call (509) 535-0803 to schedule an appointment.

Project Joy Senior Entertainers – is looking for entertainers to perform at care centers, assisted living and retirement facilities; call (509) 535-0584 for more information.

Quilting – Second and fourth Wednesdays of the month, 1-3 p.m. at the Southside Senior Activity Center, 3151 E. 27th Ave. Call (509) 535-0803 for more information.

Red Hat Society – Meets at 11:30 a.m. the third Thursday of each month at the Spokane Valley Senior Center, 2426 N. Discovery Place. Wear your purple and red, and enjoy lunch and games. Call (509) 926-1937 for more information.

Red Hat Society – This group meets on the third Monday of every month at 1:30 p.m. at the Southside Senior Activity Center, 3151 E. 27th Ave. Participants should wear purple outfits and red hats. For more information, call the center at (509) 535-0803.

Relaxation – A breathing and relaxation class is offered Fridays at 10 a.m. at the East Central Community Center, 500 S. Stone. Call (509) 625-6693 for more information.

Rug Hooking – First and third Wednesdays of each month, 1-3 p.m., Southside Senior Activity Center, 3151 E. 27th Ave. For more information, call (509) 535-0803.

Scrapbooking – Tuesdays, 9 a.m.-noon at the Spokane Valley Senior Center, 2426 N. Discovery Place. Call (509) 926-1937.

Senior Center Association Coffee Shop – Open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, 8:30-11:30 a.m. Enjoy Rocket bakery items and coffee in the Fireside Lounge. Spokane Valley Senior Center, 2426 N. Discovery Place. For more information, call (509) 926-1937.

Senior Fitness – Sponsored by the Spokane Valley Senior Center, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 8-9 a.m. and 9:30-10:30 a.m., 2426 N. Discovery Place. For more information, call (509) 926-1937.

Senior Legislative Coalition of Eastern Washington – Meets the fourth Wednesday of each month at Corbin Senior Center, 9 a.m.-noon. For more information, call (509) 484-4319.

Sinto Senior Activity Center – Offers a variety of classes, health services, education classes and activities, 1124 W. Sinto Ave. For more information, call (509) 327-2861.

60-Plus Singles – Fridays, 9-10:30 a.m., Old Country Buffet at Northpointe. Join others, 60 or older and unmarried, for fun and lively conversation in a casual setting. For more information, call (509) 466-9280.

Stretch and Tone – Sponsored by Corbin Senior Activity Center, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9-10 a.m., 827 W. Cleveland Ave. For more information, call (509) 327-1584.

Striders – Walking and exercise group meets Mondays and Wednesdays, 8 a.m., Valley YMCA, 2421 N. Discovery Place. Call Carol at (509) 926-1697 for more information.

Tai Chi – Mondays, 11 a.m., at the Spokane Valley Senior Center at CenterPlace, 2426 N. Discovery Place. Call Bob or Cindy at (509) 468-0587 to register.

Tai Chi – Tuesdays, 10 a.m., at the East Central Senior Center, 500 S. Stone St. Call (509) 625-6693 for more information.

Tax and Volunteer Training Let AARP Tax-Aide teach you how to file your own taxes or how to join their ranks in counselor and leadership opportunities. Call (888) 227-7669 or visit

Tuesday Lunch and Entertainment – Tuesdays at noon, Southside Senior Activity Center, 3151 E. 27th Ave. Cost is $5; reservations must be made by noon the preceding Monday. For more information, call (509) 535-0803.

Walking Group – The Southside Senior Activity Center, 3151 E. 27th Ave., presents a walking group Mondays at 10 a.m. For information, call the center at (509) 535-0803.

Walking Group – The East Central Community Center, 500 S. Stone, offers indoor walking Mondays through Fridays from 10-11:30 a.m. Call (509) 625-6693 for information.


Billiards – Monday- Fridays, 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Spokane Valley Senior Center, 2426 N. Discovery Place. Call (509) 926-1937 for more information.

Bingo – Tuesdays, 1-3 p.m., Spokane Valley Senior Center, 2426 N. Discovery Place. 50 cents per card. Call (509) 926-1937 for more information.

Bridge – Tuesdays, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Elks Lodge, 2605 N. Robie Road. Call (509) 926-2328 for more information.

Bridge – Wednesdays, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Spokane Valley Senior Center, 2426 N. Discovery Place. First and third Thursdays there is a bridge tournament. Call (509) 926-1937 for more information.

Cribbage – Sponsored by Veterans of Foreign Wars, Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m., 212 S. David St. For more information, call (509) 325-3061.

Cribbage – Sponsored by the Spokane Valley Eagles Club, Mondays, 6:30 p.m., 16801 E. Sprague Ave. For more information, call Jim Keeling at (509) 926-5831.

Cribbage – Tuesdays, 10 a.m.-noon, Spokane Valley Senior Center, 2426 N. Discovery Place. Call (509) 926-1937 for more information.

Pinochle – Monday, 10:30 a.m.-4 p.m.; Wednesday, noon-3 p.m.; Thursday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; and Friday, 10:30 a.m.-4 p.m., Spokane Valley Senior Center, 2426 N. Discovery Place. Call (509) 926-1937 for more information.

Pinochle – Double-deck daily at noon and single-deck Wednesdays at 11:30 a.m. at the East Central Senior Center, 500 S. Stone St. Call (509) 625-6693 for more information.

Bingo – Thursdays, 12:30-3 p.m., and Saturdays, 1-3:30 p.m., at the Sinto Senior Activity Center, 1124 W. Sinto Ave. For more information, call (509) 327-2861.

Cribbage – Wednesdays, noon-2 p.m., Sinto Senior Center, 1124 W. Sinto. Call (509) 327-2861 for information.

Penny Bingo – Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1-3 p.m., at the Hillyard Senior Center, 4001 N. Cook St. For more information, call (509) 482-0803.

Penny Poker – Wednesdays and Fridays, 1-3 p.m., at the Hillyard Senior Center, 4001 N. Cook St. For more information, call (509) 482-0803.

Pickleball – Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1-3 p.m., at the HUB, 19619 E. Cataldo. Liberty Lake. $1 per day. Call (509) 928-2157 for more information.

Pinochle – Wednesdays, 6:30-9 p.m., and Fridays, 12:45-3 p.m.; at the Hillyard Senior Center, 4001 N. Cook St. For more information, call (509) 482-0803.

Pinochle – Mondays with lunch, noon-3:30 p.m.; Thursdays, 7-9:30 p.m., at Sinto Senior Activity Center, 1124 W. Sinto Ave. Cost: $4. For more information, call (509) 327-2861.

Ping Pong – Mondays and Thursdays, 10-11:30 a.m. Spokane Valley Senior Center, 2426 N. Discovery Place. Call (509) 926-1937 for more information.

Racehorse Pinochle – Tuesdays, 12:30-3:30 p.m., at Sinto Senior Activity Center, 1124 W. Sinto Ave. Cost: $1.25. For more information, call (509) 327-2861.

Scrabble and Mahjongg – Fridays from 1-4 p.m. at Corbin Senior Center, 827 W. Cleveland Ave. For more information, call (509) 327-1584.

Bingo – Fridays, 10:30 a.m., at the East Central Senior Center, 500 S. Stone. For more information, call (509) 625-6693.

Bridge – Thursdays, 1 p.m. at the Southside Senior Activity Center, 3151 E. 27th. Contact the center for more information, (509) 535-0803.

Cribbage – Wednesdays, 10 a.m., at the Southside Senior Center, 3151 E. 27th. For information, call the center at (509) 535-0803.

Mahjongg – Mondays, 9 a.m. and Thursdays, 12:15 p.m. at the Southside Senior Activity Center, 3151 E. 27th. Call (509) 535-0803 for more information.

Ladies’ Pinochle – Wednesdays, 11:30 a.m., East Central Senior Center, 500 S. Stone. For more information, call (509) 625-6693.

Mid-City Senior Center – Serving the community over age 60. Hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.-3 p.m. with lunch served 11:30 a.m.-noon, and bingo Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 12:30-3 p.m.; Thursday, Trivial Pursuit, noon-2:30 p.m.; 1222 W. Second Ave. For more information, call (509) 747-3257.

Pinochle – Fridays, 1-3 p.m. at the Southside Senior Activity Center, 3151 E. 27th Ave. The cost is $1. For information call (509) 535-0803.

Scrabble The second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 9 a.m. at the Southside Senior Activity Center, 3151 E. 27th. Call (509) 535-0803 for more information.

Scrabble – Wednesdays, 6-9 p.m. at the Southside Senior Activity Center, 3151 E. 27th Ave. The cost is $1. Call (509) 534-4909 for more information.

Games Galore – Mondays at noon at the East Central Senior Center, 500 S. Stone. Each week alternates between Bunco, Yahtzee, Skip-Bo. Call (509) 625-6693 for more information.


Ballroom Dancing – Enjoy dancing and music of the ’30’s through ’60’s. Wednesdays, 1-3 p.m., Spokane Valley Senior Center, 2426 N. Discovery Place. Cost is $3.50, refreshments served. Lessons are Tuesdays from 9:30-10:30 a.m. Call (509) 926-1937.

Line Dancing – Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m.-noon; Thursdays, 9-10 a.m. Spokane Valley Senior Center, 2426 N. Discovery Place. Cost is $2. For more information, call (509) 926-1937 or (509) 926-5876.

Thursday Evening Dances – Live music and dancing, 7:30-9:45 p.m., Southside Senior Activity Center, 3151 E. 27th Ave. Cost is $3.50. For more information, call (509) 535-0803.

Dinner and Ballroom Dancing – The Brotherhood of Friends Lodge, 933 W. Third Ave., is offering dinner and ballroom dancing Friday and Saturday nights. Dinner is served from 6-9 p.m. and dancing is from 6:30-10:30. For information, call the B.O.F. at (509) 624-5159.

Tap dancing Sessions are Mondays at 2:30 p.m. at the Southside Senior Activity Center, 3151 E. 27th. The cost is $10 per session. Call (509) 535-0803 for more information.