Hail appointed deputy fire chief
The Spokane Valley Fire Department has a second deputy chief for the first time since December 2007.
On March 2, Andy Hail took over the deputy chief’s position vacated by the retirement of Dave Lobdell. He was selected from more than 40 applicants and five finalists in a nationwide search.
Hail is responsible for training and day-to-day operation of the department’s 10 stations, while Deputy Chief Larry Rider is responsible for support services, including the department’s information systems, shop and other facilities.
Chief Mike Thompson said Hail’s appointment to the $128,124-a-year position will reduce the workload he and Rider and the department’s battalion chiefs have absorbed since Lobdell’s retirement.
“We’ve been spread a little bit thin,” Thompson said. “We’ll be able to work 110 percent now instead of 125 percent.”
Thompson selected Hail from a list of three presented by a selection committee composed of Spokane Valley Police Chief Rick Van Leuven, City Councilman Dick Denenny, two fire department union representatives and the department’s human resources director.
Hail had worked 28 years for the Redmond (Wash.) Fire Department, rising through the ranks to become a battalion chief in 1992 and a deputy chief in 1999. Thompson said Hail expects to earn a bachelor’s degree in fire administration this summer.
Thompson said the nationwide candidate search was delayed while officials looked first for an in-house candidate.
“We had some good people that were up-and-comers, but they just weren’t ready to take that next step,” he said.
John Craig
City Council will meet March 24
There will be no Spokane Valley City Council meeting Tuesday because council members will be attending a National League of Cities conference in Washington, D.C.
The next council meeting will be at 6 p.m. March 24.
West Valley
Auction benefits WVHS band
West Valley Band Boosters’ dinner and auction is next Saturday, at the West Valley High School commons, 8301 E. Buckeye Ave.
Among the auction items are a letter jacket, ski lift tickets, golfing at the Coeur d’Alene Resort, a family canoe trip, a custom quilt made from your T-shirt collection and gift certificates. The silent auction will run from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. with dinner beginning at 5:30 and a live auction at 7:40.
Also, there will be a “cash for gold” table to buy your unwanted jewelry, coins and other gold items. A portion of the proceeds will benefit West Valley Band Boosters.