Australia apologizes to child migrants
Centuries-long practice often resulted in abuse

CANBERRA, Australia – Prime Minister Kevin Rudd apologized today to thousands of impoverished British children who were shipped to Australia in past centuries with the promise of a better life, only to suffer abuse and neglect thousands of miles from home.
At a ceremony in the Australian capital of Canberra attended by tearful former child migrants, Rudd apologized for his country’s role in the migration and extended condolences to the 7,000 survivors of the program who still live in Australia.
“We are sorry,” Rudd said. “Sorry that as children you were taken from your families and placed in institutions where so often you were abused. Sorry for the physical suffering, the emotional starvation and the cold absence of love, of tenderness, of care. Sorry for the tragedy – the absolute tragedy – of childhoods lost.”
The apology comes one day after the British government said Prime Minister Gordon Brown would apologize for child migrant programs that sent as many as 150,000 poor British children as young as 3 to Australia, Canada and other former colonies over 3 1/2 centuries.
The programs, which ended 40 years ago, were intended to provide the children with a new start – and the Empire with a supply of sturdy white workers. But many children ended up in institutions where they were physically and sexually abused, or were sent to work as farm laborers.
Rudd also apologized to the “forgotten Australians” – children who suffered in state care during the last century. According to a 2004 Australian Senate report, more than 500,000 children were placed in foster homes, orphanages and other institutions during the 20th century. Many were emotionally, physically and sexually abused in state care.
Some in the audience wept openly and held one another as Rudd shared painful stories of children he’d spoken with – children who were beaten with belt buckles and bamboo, who grew up in places they called “utterly loveless.”
“Let us resolve this day that this national apology becomes a turning point in our nation’s story,” Rudd said. “A turning point for shattered lives, a turning point for governments at all levels and of every political hue and color to do all in our power to never allow this to happen again.”
A 2001 Australian report said that between 6,000 and 30,000 children from Britain and Malta, often taken from unmarried mothers or impoverished families, were sent alone to Australia as migrants during the 20th century. Many of the children were told that they were orphans, though most had either been abandoned or taken from their families by the state. Siblings were commonly split up once they arrived in Australia.
Authorities believed they were acting in the children’s best interests, but the migration also was intended to stop them from being a burden on the British state while supplying the receiving countries with potential workers. A 1998 British parliamentary inquiry noted that “a further motive was racist: the importation of ‘good white stock’ was seen as a desirable policy objective in the developing British Colonies.”
Britain has been trying to make amends since the late 1990s by funding trips to reunite migrants with their families in Britain.
Brown’s office said officials would consult with representatives of the surviving children before making a formal apology next year.