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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Weighing in

A weekly look at reader comments and reactions to the news

From Www.Spokesman.Com

A Spokane police sergeant will avoid a criminal record for drunken-driving and hit-and-run charges if he meets the conditions of a deferred prosecution agreement made last week.

Officer Bradley N. Thoma was initially cited for drunken driving after investigators said his personal pickup rear-ended a truck in September and he drove away. Thoma enrolled in a five-year program that will wipe the charge from his record if he meets the requirements, which include a two-year rehab program.

The story drew more comments than any other at last week. Here’s a sampling:

drinkr23: The Spokane police have proven again … if you own a badge, don’t worry. You get a nice little paid vacation, until they figure out a way to prove you’re innocent. … The last time I did that I got 11 months, all because I left my badge at home.

Fbhkymom: It’s just typical of people to start bashing cops. These kinds of deals happen every day with similar cases and regular citizens. This one is only publicized because, again, the SR likes to incite emotion when it comes to the Police Dept. And it works every time. The judge even was quoted as saying he didn’t know Thoma was an officer.

lewis: No one would bash the cops if they learned how to fly right and they were held up to the same laws we have to follow. But they don’t and because of that they are getting a bad rap with the very citizens they are supposed to serve.

Ninch: How any judge could dismiss a “hit-and-run” by anybody is beyond comprehension.

Uptight_Spokanite: I can understand, let’s say, a computer network admin not being fired for a DUI and hit-and-run. But a cop? Sorry. They are charged with enforcing laws. … Demote him and make him an evidence room clerk where he can’t embarrass the taxpayers anymore.

SpokaneIsFun: This whole situation from the incident to the final resolve tells the people of Spokane they are in need of: 1, New police chief that will give the department a new image and direction, and 2, Better judicial system that treats everyone equally.

BitofBacon: … This is just the end of the criminal part – you all forget that there will be an administrative action by the chief. I know it’s easy to sit there in your underwear and criticize, but this isn’t over yet.

Sugar Shane: My favorite part is how he got a ride home from a fellow SPD officer. People who get DUIs should try that. … It’s a good ol’ boys club, and another slap in the face to the public and a slap on the wrist for the officer.