American Red Cross – The American Red Cross, Inland Northwest Chapter, has volunteer opportunities available for its disaster action team. Team members provide 24-hour emergency response to local disasters, ensuring that those affected have basic necessities such as food, shelter and clothing. Licensed professional volunteers are needed in the mental health field, nursing and disaster education. Team members are asked to be on call 24 hours a day for at least a one-week period at a time. Call (509) 326-3330 or visit www.spokaneredcross.org.
Anna Ogden Hall Long Term Recovery Shelter – Volunteers opportunities include nursery and kitchen volunteers; various program class teachers; reception work and help in the medical clinic. Required volunteer introductory classes are offered three times a month. Call (509) 535-8510 or visit www.ugmspokane.org.
Anna Ogden Hall Youth Summer Program – Volunteers are needed to assist with children at “Yellow House,” located next door to Ogden Hall. Opportunities include taking kids in the youth program on field trips, to local parks, movies, doing crafts, mentoring and having fun. Volunteers are needed for a four-hour block of time once or more a week on a consistent basis. Call Greg Barclay, director of volunteers, at (509) 535-8510 or visit www.ugmspokane.org.
Camp Fire USA Inland Northwest Council – Opportunities are available to be a club co-leader in the Spokane and Coeur d’Alene area. Contact Marcia Asmussen, program coordinator, at (509) 747-6191.