“A Taffeta Christmas” - Thursdays-Saturdays at 7:30 p.m.; Sundays at 2 p.m. through Dec. 19 at Lake City Playhouse, 1320 E. Garden Ave., Coeur d’Alene. $19/adults; $17/veterans and students age 13 and older with student ID; $15/seniors age 60 and older; $9/children age 12 and younger. (208) 667-1323.
“Sounds of Christmas” Concert – 2 p.m. at North Idaho College’s Boswell Hall, 1000 W. Garden Ave., Coeur d’Alene. Featuring the NIC Cardinal Chorale, Wind Symphony, Chamber Singers and Jazz Co. (208) 769-7764.
Fair Trade Sale – 9 a.m.-1 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, 812 N. Fifth St., Coeur d’Alene. Child care available by TLC Youth and adult sponsors. (208) 664-5743.
St. George’s Sweet Shoppe - 9:30-11:30 a.m. at St. George’s Catholic Church, 2010 N. Lucas, Post Falls. Home-baked goods fundraiser. (208) 773-4715.
“Caroling of the Belles” in Victorian style – Monday, 7 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church, 521 E. Lakeside, Coeur d’Alene. Featuring Sorensen Magnet School of the Arts Choir, presented by Coeur d’Alene Chorus of Sweet Adelines International. $5/admission, reception to follow. (208) 773-5830 or (208) 664-3468.
Lakes Highway District Commissioners – Monday, 5:30 p.m. at LHD office, 11341 N. Ramsey Road, Hayden. (208) 772-7527.
NIC Art Students Pottery Sale – Tuesday-Wednesday, 7 a.m.-4 p.m. at North Idaho College’s Boswell Hall, Ceramic Studio, Room 157, 1000 W. Garden Ave., Coeur d’Alene. (208) 651-6484.
Bonner County Commissioners Public Hearing – Wednesday, 1 p.m. at the Bonner County Administration Building, 1500 state Highway 2, Sandpoint. (208) 265-1458.
“Lunch at The Beach” – Wednesday, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. at Beach House, 3204 Coeur d’Alene Lake Drive, Coeur d’Alene. Special luncheon hosted by the restaurant to benefit Children’s Village. Reservations requested. $14. (208) 667-1189.
Future of Forestry Concert – Advent Christmas Tour Thursday, doors open at 7 p.m., show starts at 7:30 at Kroc Center, 1765 Golf Course Road in Coeur d’Alene. Special guests include Kye Kye, the Pilgrim Worship Band, All-ages, alternative concert. $12/advance from Tickets West, The Kroc Center, 4000 Holes, and The Long Ear, or $14/at the door. 1 (800) 325-SEAT.
Christmas Party for Seniors – Saturday, noon-3 p.m. at Lake City Senior Center, 1916 Lakewood Drive, Coeur d’Alene. For all seniors in the community, includes lunch, gift raffle, entertainment and a visit from Santa Claus. Sponsored by Lake City Senior Center. Call for reservations. (208) 667-4628.