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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Spotlight: Crosby uniform will be on display at Bing

Attention, “White Christmas” fanatics:

The Army uniform worn by Bing Crosby in that 1954 movie will be on display at the Bing Crosby Holiday Film Festival on Saturday.

Yes, this is the real thing. The uniform was found in the Paramount Studios costume archives marked with Crosby’s name and ended up in the collection of the Rosemary Clooney House, which loaned it for this event. Clooney was Bing’s co-star in that movie.

The uniform will be one of many attractions at the all-day festival Saturday at the Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague Ave.

The schedule includes two showings of “White Christmas,” at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m., and a talk and video presentation by Crosby archivist Robert Bader at 3:30 p.m. (Look for a full story in Thursday’s Today section.)

It’s all free, but a $5 donation is requested.

Sarah’s on the way

Canadian singer-songwriter Sarah McLachlan, along with Butterfly Boucher and Melissa McClelland, has been booked into the Martin Woldson Theater at the Fox on Feb. 3.

McLachlan is the Grammy-winning artist known for founding the Lilith Fair.

Tickets are $59, $49 and $39 and will go on sale Wednesday at 10 a.m. through TicketsWest outlets (800-325-SEAT,

A newscaster haul

KHQ-6’s Dan Kleckner and Stephanie Vigil won $12,500 for Washington Special Olympics by answering four questions correctly in a special news-anchor edition of “Who Wants to be a Millionaire.”

That’s a good haul, even though they had to punt on the last question, which was: “A delivery truck from what fast food chain makes a cameo in nearly all feature films produced by Pixar’s Animation Studios?”

Kleckner and Vigil chose not to make a guess, which cut their accumulated bank of $25,000 in half.

The episodes aired Wednesday and Thursday.

(The correct answer, by the way, is “Pizza Planet.”)

‘Buddy’ lives on

The Spokane Civic Theatre will revive its hit show, “Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story,” this summer.

The regular run sold so well it was impossible to get seats for many performances. So the show will return July 22-31 in a special revival to help raise funds for a new loft at the theater.

Tickets are already on sale, through the Civic (509-325-2507) or TicketsWest.

Orla Fallon in concert

Orla Fallon, an Irish singer-harpist formerly in Celtic Woman, has been booked into the Bing Crosby Theater, Oct. 13, 7 p.m.

I know, that’s almost a year away. But tickets go on sale Friday at 10 a.m. through TicketsWest. Tickets range from $28 to $45.

A plum role?

I thought I’d mention that auditions are coming up Dec. 13 and 14 for what may be the most coveted – or the most daunting – role ever in local theater: Helen Keller in “The Miracle Worker” at Interplayers Professional Theater in May.

Why so daunting? Because the director will be no other than Patty Duke, who won an Oscar for the same role in 1962.

Oh, and the role of Annie Sullivan will be almost as daunting. Duke won an Emmy for that role in 1979.

For auditional information – excuse me, additional information – go to

Historic Homes concert

Allegro Baroque & Beyond will present its next “Music in Historic Homes” concerts at the four-story Jasper-Nuzum House, 503 W. Sumner Ave., in several performances Tuesday and Wednesday.

Harpsichordist Beverly Biggs joins co-director David Dutton and soprano Tamara Schupman in a program of Christmas-themed music. A tour of the Kirtland Cutter-designed home follows.

Performances will begin at 3, 4:30, 6 and 7:30 p.m. each day. Tickets are $25, available at or by calling (509) 455-6865. Some performances are already sold out.

Barats & Bereta

Spokane’s YouTube stars Luke Barats and Joe Bereta will do a live sketch-comedy show titled “Details Are Sketchy” on Dec. 16, 8 p.m. at the Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland Ave.

They’ll try out some of their all-new sketch material, with help from the Blue Door’s improvisational comedy troupe.

Barats & Bereta will also be performing in the Blue Door’s regular shows, “Season’s Greetings” on Dec. 17, 8 p.m. and “Safari” on Dec. 18, 9 p.m.

Early reservations are highly recommended. Call (509) 747-7045 or go to

KPBX-FM open house

Spokane Public Radio’s annual open house will take place Tuesday beginning at 4:30 p.m. It will culminate in an on-air community advisory board meeting from 6 to 7 p.m.

The event doubles as a job/volunteer/intern fair. All you have to do is show up at the studios, 2319 N. Monroe St.

Kendall Watson concert

Kendall Watson, a 16-year-old Lewis and Clark High School student, has already recorded her own CD of original piano music, “Inspirations.”

Now, she’s doing her own solo piano concert, Saturday, 7 p.m., at the LC auditorium. It’s free, although a nonperishable food item is requested for the Second Harvest Food Bank. A portion of CD sales will also benefit the food bank.

Watson will perform her own compositions and some “twists” on Christmas music.


The fifth annual “HeartSongs” concert will take place today at 6:30 p.m. at the Bing Crosby Theater.

This annual fundraiser features songs about family experiences with homelessness, performed by the Voiceless Choir, made up of families who have been through some of these experiences.

Funds raised will be used for gasoline vouchers for choir members, and for Interfaith Hospitality and VOA’s Crosswalk, a teen shelter.

Tickets are $15 for adults, $10 for students and seniors, available at the door. A silent auction will precede the event at 5:30 p.m.

‘Holiday Swing’ today

The Spokane All-City Jazz Ensembles and the Eastern Washington University Jazz Ensembles will hold a concert titled “Holiday Swing” today at 3 p.m. at the EWU Music Building Recital Hall on the Cheney campus.

It’s a chance to hear the best student musicians in the region playing great swing and holiday music. Admission is free.

Have a Kenton Christmas

Speaking of the All-City ensembles, Bob Curnow and his Big Band will present “A Kenton Christmas Concert” on Dec. 13, 7 p.m. as a fundraiser for the Spokane All-City Junior Jazz Ensembles.

This concert will feature the famous Stan Kenton arrangements of Christmas songs. The Middle School All-City Jazz Ensembles will also perform.

The concert will be held at the usual Monday night home of the Curnow band, the Ichiban Sushi Lounge, 202 W. Third Ave.

Admission will be free but donations will be accepted. Amend Music Center is one of the sponsors.