Think about regifting God’s blessings
A dear friend of mine is starting a new tradition this Christmas.
And I really think he’s onto something profound.
Last night, his children opened some of their presents and enjoyed the thrill and fun of being blessed. Then they were encouraged to choose a gift or two to rewrap and give to someone else.
This kind of regifting reflects the heart of true Christianity. That’s right, regifting is actually God’s idea.
Yes, I know, regifting sometimes gets a bad rap when it’s cheap and thoughtless. (Think “Seinfeld.”) But God’s design for regifting is precious and deliberate.
The Scripture says that God has given us a matchless gift in the person of Jesus Christ. He is God who became man, allowed himself to be unrecognized by his own people, misunderstood and rejected.
Jesus, God himself, agreed to be humiliated and put to death on a cross for the sole purpose of taking the punishment for our sins. He came back to life, proving he is God, forever satisfying on our behalf the penalty faced for sin: eternal death, separation from God in hell.
God graciously offers heaven to people deserving of hell.
It’s no wonder the Apostle Paul interrupted his letter to the Corinthians, exclaiming “Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!”
God delights in giving. And what we’ve received from him, he invites us to share with others.
Today is an appropriate day to thank God for his gift, and consider what it looks like to regift his blessings to others.
Consider the gift of forgiveness. Has someone hurt you? Offended you? Forgotten you?
Forgiving them, however undeserving they may be, is simply regifting the forgiveness God himself has given you.
Think about that. God has graciously forgiven us our sin, not because we deserve it, or even show potential to do better, but simply because he loves us.
Many of our friendships and family relationships would improve and deepen if we simply regifted to others the unqualified forgiveness – and forbearance – God extends to us.
Consider the gift of grace. Often we think of grace in terms of words uttered before a meal. We sit down, bow our heads and “say grace.”
Grace is so much more wonderful than that. Grace is the undeserved, unearned favor of God. God gives grace all the time, not only in saving us, but in the good things he blesses us with every day. Any good thing we have in our lives is evidence of God’s grace.
Regifting grace is to tangibly bless others, irrespective of whether we feel they’ve earned such a blessing.
This time of year, giving is sometimes seen as a reciprocal thing; we like to “exchange gifts” at Christmastime.
True grace is one-way giving, sacrificially benefiting someone else in a tangible way, with no thought of reciprocation.
You know, my friend’s children may struggle a bit in choosing which gifts they will rewrap for others. I know I would. That’s because regifting is not always easy.
Don’t agree?
Consider the gift of truth. The Bible says that Jesus: “… became flesh, and made His dwelling among us … (he came) full of grace and truth” (John 1:14 – NIV).
To receive Jesus as savior is to receive the truth about God, yourself and your eternal future. This truth is sometimes hard to regift, because not everyone wants to receive it.
Yet even in this we can give in the way God himself gives. He patiently and persistently offers forgiveness, grace and truth, knowing that some will reject it.
Do you believe the truth about Jesus? Have you received His forgiveness and grace?
Care to try a little regifting?