2010 Spokane International Auto Show - Feb. 12-15. Sponsored by the Spokane New Car Dealers Association, 24 auto manufacturers representing Spokane’s new car dealers will be exhibiting the latest and most exciting automotive technology. Today, 9-9 p.m.; and Sunday-Monday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Spokane County Fair and Expo Center, Broadway at Havana Street. $7/general, $6/seniors, free/age 12 and younger; admission good for all weekend. (509) 995-1100.
Book sale - Hosted by the Friends of the Liberty Lake Library to raise funds for the facility; 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Liberty Lake Library, 23123 E. Mission. (509) 232-2510.
Chinese New Year Culture Fair - Celebrate the Year of the Tiger with the Spokane Chinese Association. Visitors can try their hand at Chinese calligraphy, paper cutting and making spring flowers. Special activities and games will be available for children. The tiger’s brother, the lion, will be dancing at the Chinese Variety Show at 3:30 p.m. Tickets can also be purchased at the door, in advance at Best Asian Market at 1801 E. Sprague Ave., or by phone; 1-5 p.m. Central Valley High School, 821 S. Sullivan Road. Free admission to Culture Fair; $8 for variety show. (509) 720-8825.
“Faustas” - The West Valley High School drama department presents a story of an ambitious music producer who makes a deal with Lucifer to gain success, power and wealth. Performances begin at 7 p.m. Admission is free. West Valley High School, 8301 E. Buckeye. (509) 922-5488.
Upward Soccer - The Christian-based sports program is now accepting registrations for the spring 2010 season for children age 4 through the sixth grade. Early registration ends Feb. 27. Late registration ends March 5. Volunteer coaches and referees are also needed. Visit $70 early registration, $80 late registration.
Valley Youth Soccer Registration - Sign-up for spring (April/May) 2010, for ages 4-14 (born 1995 through 2005). 9116 E. Sprague Ave. #138. $40. (509) 924-7661.
“The Raffle House for 2010” - Engineers Forum of Spokane, with Dave McRae, North Idaho College carpentry instructor; 12:30 p.m. Timber Creek Grill Buffet, 9211 E. Montgomery Ave. $9/lunch and beverage, $2/beverage only. (509) 244-3467.
Spokane Valley City Council study session - Tentative agenda items include an interlocal agreement with the Spokane Regional Transportation Council, a presentation on wastewater treatment and a report on broadcasting city council meetings; 6 p.m. Spokane Valley City Hall, 11707 E. Sprague. (509) 921-1000.
Spokane Valley Executive Network - An association of business professionals who meet to exchange business leads and fellowship with one another; 8:30 a.m. Conley’s Place Restaurant, 12618 E. Sprague Ave. (509) 315-4536, (509) 928-7528.
Crooked Still - Highly-acclaimed string band; 7:30 p.m. West Valley High School, 8301 E. Buckeye Ave. $18/advance, $20/door. (509) 927-7529.
Spokane Valley Book Discussion Club - Discuss “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee. Part of Spokane’s 2010 “Big Read”; 2 p.m. Spokane Valley Library, 12004 E. Main Ave. Free. (509) 893-8400.
Spring 2010 Master Gardener Series - A series of free gardening classes presented by Master Gardener Steve Nokes. Classes include: Feb. 17: Propagation from Seeds and Cuttings; March 24: Vegetable Gardening 101; April 21: Weed Control. 7 p.m. Spokane Valley Library, 12004 E. Main Ave. Free. (509) 893-8400.
Pickleball - Games are daily Monday through Thursday; 1-3 p.m. Hepton Community Center, 1831 S. Barker Road. $1 per day. (509) 570-2875.
Self-Care Connection - Teaches cancer patients about nutrition, daily activity, relaxation techniques, coping skills, etc.; 2:30 p.m. Cancer Care Northwest, 12615 E. Mission, Suite 200. (509) 228-1244.
Spokane Valley Anime Club - For teens in grades six or above. Watch anime episodes, eat snacks and more; 4 p.m. Spokane Valley Library, 12004 E. Main Ave. Free. (509) 893-8400.
Jazz concert and auction - The Central Valley High School Band and Color Guard Boosters present “Jazz Under the Stars,” an evening of music, dessert and a silent auction; 6:30-9:30 p.m. Central Valley High School, 821 S. Sullivan Road. $5 students, $10 adults, $15 at the door. (509) 228-5100.
Authors Lyle Hatcher and Don Caron - Signing their book, “Different Drummers”; 2 p.m. Barnes & Noble, 15310 E. Indiana Ave. (509) 922-4104.
Crab feed - Old fashioned “Crab Crack” to benefit the West Valley Track and Field program; 5:30-7 p.m. West Valley High School, 8301 E. Buckeye. $25. 922-5488.
Desperate Housewives Shop Hop - Sixth annual event to visit seven boutique shops in the heart of the Spokane Valley. Enjoy in-store specials, tasty treats, and receive a complimentary gift at each store (while supplies last). Visit all seven stores for a chance to win the grand prize in gift certificates. Participating businesses are: The Trellis, Simply Northwest, Beyond Beads, The Olive Branch, A La Sha, Orchid Boutique and Scrapper’s Attic. Lunch specials at Cuppa Joes and Savanny Thai Food Express. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 11806 E. Sprague Ave. Free. (509) 927-8206.
Music Showcase - The Inland Northwest Bluegrass Association presents its Music Showcase with Custer’s Grass Band, Prairie Flyer and HeartBreak Pass; 7-9:30 p.m. University High School, 12420 E. 32nd. $5 adults; children 12 and under are free. (509) 891-8558.