Idaho records
Police blotter
Coeur d’Alene police
James Wilson reported Monday the $1,940 theft of handgun and rifle reloading materials from a storage unit on Industrial Avenue.
Kootenai County sheriff
Donald Duperault, Post Falls, reported Monday the $500 theft of medication and $200 damage to doors of his home on the 1300 block of Breezy Way.
Louis Maldonado, manager of Sun Rentals, reported Monday the $1,185 theft of a concrete saw when it was rented and not returned to the business at 7080 N. Government Way.
News of record
Criminal sentencings
Judge Robert Caldwell
Toby Jo C. Wheeler, 21, Coeur d’Alene; racing on public highway; $300 fine, 180 days in jail (170 days suspended), two years probation.
Heidi A. Scott, 38, Coeur d’Alene; careless driving; $800 fine, 90 days in jail (suspended), one year probation.
Judge Scott Wayman
Michelle A. Migota, 22, Coeur d’Alene; Count I: driving under the influence; $1,000 fine ($250 suspended), 180 days in jail (175 days suspended) or 16 hours county work program, 90 days driver’s license suspension, two years probation. Count II: driving without privileges; $250 fine, 30 days in jail or 24 hours county work program, 180 days driver’s license suspension.
Warren J. Watson Jr., 19, Coeur d’Alene; driving without privileges; $300 fine, 10 days in jail or 16 hours county work program, 180 days driver’s license suspension.
Judge Robert Burton
Craig M. Faulkner Jr., 29, Rathdrum; malicious injury to property; $1,000 fine ($750 suspended), $167 restitution to victims, 180 days in jail (175 days suspended) or 40 hours county work program, 15 days unscheduled jail time, one year probation.
Civil complaints
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Nichole Larkin, aka Nicole Larkin, seeking $1,103.
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Amber Barnett, aka Amber Fortune, seeking $2,889.
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Keisha Batalia McEnaney and Curtis McEnaney, seeking $2,339.
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Elaine and Michael Magnus, seeking $3,327.
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Troy and Barbeth Martz, seeking $3,668.
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Denise and Jeremy Cowperthwaite, seeking $1,901.
North Idaho Credit Corp. v. Nicholas Vernurlen, seeking $10,101.
North Idaho Credit Corp. v. Darrin Walters and Katie Walters, seeking $1,604.
Ashley Smith v. Jude deTar, seeking $1,072.
Household Bank v. Ricky Mort, seeking $2,131.
Capital One Bank v. Victoria Nix, seeking $1,183.
Household Bank v. Stephen Watts and Dixie Watts, seeking $2,018.
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Cynthia Dilday, seeking $5,097.
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Sidney and Kathleen Smith, seeking $3,335.
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Craig Law and Kami Law, seeking $1,654.
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Shelbie Spiegel, seeking $1,476.
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Joseph and Brandy Barber, seeking $1,594.
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Keith Pfenning and Melissa Pfenning, aka Melissa Massa, seeking $1,424.
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Jefferie McCorkle and Paul Allison, seeking $5,817.
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Marsell and Amy Colbert, seeking $1,079.
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Tereysa Cortez, seeking $5,231.
Civil judgments
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Robert Porto, plaintiff awarded $2,816.
ACS Inc. of Idaho v. Kathryn and David Shoemaker, plaintiff awarded $2,620
North Idaho Credit Corp. v. Alan Rocha, plaintiff awarded $1,337.
Capital One Bank v. Michelle Cooper, plaintiff awarded $1,303.
Household Bank v. Caley Yuill, plaintiff awarded $2,169.
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Marjorie McElver, plaintiff awarded $1,309.
Capital One Bank v. Rebecca Anderson, plaintiff awarded $1,875.
Capital One Bank v. Brent Rutledge, plaintiff awarded $2,223.
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Nathan Hyder, plaintiff awarded $2,410.
Arrow Financial Services LLC v. Stella Franklin, plaintiff awarded $3,643.
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Jeffrey and Danette Beebout, plaintiff awarded $1,299.
North Idaho Credit Corp. v. Ernie Peralta Jr., plaintiff awarded $3,392.
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Brandon Bandell, plaintiff awarded $2,286.
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Janice Fery, plaintiff awarded $2,227.
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Brandi Lassila Johnson, plaintiff awarded $4,210.
Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Jessica Olson, plaintiff awarded $4,713.
Capital One Bank v. Sheila Phelps, plaintiff awarded $1,998.
Capital One Bank v. Jason Zareski, plaintiff awarded $1,427.
Capital One Bank v. Frank Martin, plaintiff awarded $1,659.
Capital One Bank v. Thomas Carter, plaintiff awarded $2,508.
North Idaho Credit Corp. v. Melissa Martin, plaintiff awarded $2,107.
North Idaho Credit Corp. v. Misty Pollard, plaintiff awarded $8,884.
North Idaho Credit Corp. v. Shaun Thompson, plaintiff awarded $12,587.
Order for change of name
Jarret Thompson, order for change to Jarret Martinez.
Divorces sought
April J. Kahabka from Michael R. Kahabka.
Aubre S. Mostoller from William E. Mostoller.
Jana L. Nearing from Todd W. Henrikson.
Teena Frank from David Frank.
Divorces granted
Zachariah H. Nichols from Tammi R. Nichols.
Lori K. Leonard Seccomb from Harry L. Seccomb.
Craig R. Wise from Margie H. Wise.
Kimberly A. Castillo-Tea from James D. Tea.
Gregory G. Sapp from Leeanne Sapp.