Most happy with ouster
of Munson, former council
Mr. Munson is still complaining about the election that removed the former Spokane Valley City Council, himself included, from office. He’s upset because only 25 percent of the people voted (Valley Voice, June 5).
If he studied further voting statistics, he would see that only 13 percent of Valley voters voted “Yes” on incorporation to form this city. That left the other 87 percent of us stuck with it.
Now to the media, who seem to be critical of our new City Council: Let’s just say that the majority of the Valley residents are happy with the new council. There’s been no talk of an expensive, new City Hall; no $500 to $900 catered City Council meals; no expensive consultants making decisions; and no major moves to change our Valley into a grid-locked metropolis.
Incidentally, why all the pot shots at Dean Grafos? I personally appreciate an outspoken, straight-shooter being in office.
Sally Jackson
Spokane Valley
Editor’s note: Actually, 24 percent of eligible voters voted “Yes” for incorporation. In the May 2002 election 47 percent of Spokane Valley registered voters cast ballots and it received 51.3 percent approval. Ms. Jackson’s figures count nonregistered voters, including those under 18.