Handle Extra
A Spokesman-Review publication
Story ideas
We want to expand our coverage of North Idaho neighborhoods and we need your help. All you have to do is let us know when something is happening that affects your neighborhood. We’ll take it from there. Contact Jeff Jordan, Voices editor, 13208 E. Sprague Ave., Spokane Valley, WA 99216 or e-mail idahovoice@spokesman.com.
Citizen journal
Citizen Journal is a forum in which Voice readers can publish their own feature stories and neighborhood news items and photographs. Do you have a story to tell or neighborhood news to report? E-mail your submissions to Voices editor Jeff Jordan at voice@spokesman.com. Please try to limit submissions to 500 words or less. Be sure to include your name, phone number and e-mail address so we can verify authenticity.
Our goal is to make this page an open forum for readers to discuss neighborhood issues or articles that have appeared in the Handle Extra.
Send us a letter of up to 250 words. Don’t worry about typos. We’ll fix them.
Be sure to sign your letter with your full name and include your home address and a daytime phone number where you can be reached for verification.
Send your comments to: Letters to the Editor, Handle Extra, 13208 E. Sprague Ave., Spokane Valley, WA 99216.
You also can send an e-mail to voice@spokesman.com or fax us at (509) 927-2175.
Accuracy Watch
We are committed to accuracy. If you think we have made a factual error in the Handle Extra, call (509) 927-2170. Mistakes will be corrected on this page.
Editorial staff
Jeff Jordan Voices editor
Telephone(509) 927-2170
Jim AllenAssistant Voices editor
Telephone(509) 927-2168
Sherry AdkinsEditorial assistant
Telephone(208) 765-7120
E-mail sherrya@spokesman.com
Kathy PlonkaPhotographer
Telephone(208) 667-7145
E-mail cdaphoto@spokesman.com
Jesse TinsleyPhotographer
Telephone(208) 667-7109
E-mail cdaphoto@spokesman.com
Mike BrodwaterCorrespondent
HometownCoeur d’Alene
E-mail mbrodwater@aol.com
Carl GidlundCorrespondent
HometownHayden Lake
Herb HuselandCorrespondent
E-mail: bayviewherb@gmail.com
Patty HutchensCorrespondent
E-mail pattyhutchens@yahoo.com
Patrick JacobsCorrespondent
HometownCoeur d’Alene
E-mail orangetv@yahoo.com
Jacob LivingstonCorrespondent
HometownCoeur d’Alene
E-mail jackliverpoole@yahoo.com
Jeri McCroskeyCorrespondent
HometownCoeur d’Alene
Barbara MintonCorrespondent
E-mail b.minton4@verizon.net
Nils RosdahlCorrespondent
HometownCoeur d’Alene
E-mail nils_rosdahl@nic.edu
Laura UmthunCorrespondent
HometownHauser Lake
E-mail lauraumthun@yahoo.com
Spokane (509) 459-5095
Spokane Valley (509) 927-8100
Coeur d’Alene (208) 765-7105
Toll Free (800) 338-8801
Information(208) 765-7100