Spokane clubs
New listings
American-Italian Club – Meets the first Thursday of the month, September through June, 6 p.m., Knights of Columbus Hall, 302 E. Boone Ave. Call John Gerimonte at (509) 328-4455
Spokane Novelists Group – Writers support/critique group, open to anyone with an interest in writing fiction. Participants should bring 5 to 10 pages to read aloud and 6 to 8 copies for others to read along and critique. Meets at noon on the second and fourth Saturdays of the month at Spokane County Library, Argonne Branch, 4322 N. Argonne Road, Spokane Valley. (509) 590-7316
Junior League of Spokane – An organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. The group reaches out to women of all races, religions and national origins who demonstrate an interest in and commitment to volunteerism. Meets the third Thursday of the month, 6 p.m., at various locations. For more information, call (509) 328-2801, e-mail jlspokane@qwestoffice.net or visit www.jlspokane.org.
Course in Miracles – Meets Tuesdays, 7 p.m., Unity Church of Truth, 2900 S. Bernard St.; (509) 838-6518
Associated Garden Clubs of Spokane – Meets the fourth Friday of the month, with board meetings on the second Friday of the month, at 10 a.m., at Manito Park Garden Center, 4 W. 21st Ave. No meetings in June, July, August, November, and December. Contact Norma at (509) 448-6464
AARP Chapter 384 – Meets the fourth Tuesday of every month, 11:30 a.m., Golden Corral Buffet, 7117 N Division St. Anyone over 50 years is welcome to attend. Contact Arlene at (509) 448-1783
Barbershop Harmony Society – Meets Wednesdays at 7 p.m., Southside Senior Center, 3151 E. 27 Ave. Visit www.pagesofharmony.org or call (509) 534-1725 for more information.
Camp Fire USA Alumni Association – Dedicated to establishing and maintaining a network of communication to preserve the history and traditions of Camp Fire USA. Call (509) 747-6191 or (800) 386-2324, e-mail tkorth@campfireinc.org, or visit www.campfireinc.org to join the Alumni Association, to register, and for more information.
Course in Miracles – Meets Tuesdays, 7 p.m., Unity Church of Truth, 2900 S. Bernard St.; (509) 838-6518
Deer Park Miniature Society – Meets the second Monday of each month, Deer Park Library, 208 S. Forest Ave., Deer Park. Call (509) 276-4086 for information.
Eastern Washington Genealogical Society – Meets monthly at the downtown Spokane Library, 906 W. Main Ave. Everyone is welcome. Visit www.ewgsi.org or e-mail jcoe2225@yahoo.com for dates, times and more information.