Literary Calendar
Among local literary events over the coming week (free unless otherwise indicated):
Dana Haynes - Portland author presents his suspense novel, “Crashers.” Today, 12:30 p.m., Auntie’s Bookstore, 402 W. Main Ave. (509) 838-0206
Zone 4 Reading Series - Monthly series. Today, open mike 3-3:30 p.m., flash fiction writers Holly Chase Williams and Shanti Perez, 3:30-5 p.m. John Thamm Gallery, Hutton Building, 11 S. Washington St. (509) 951-3374
The Storytelling Company - Evening of stories and music benefiting Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness, with Tales from the Trail, the Mystery StoryTeller and an update from mythical Shoreline, Idaho. Hors d’oeuvres by Ivano’s and no-host beer and wine. Today, 5 p.m., Panida Theater, 300 N. First Ave., Sandpoint. $15, includes first drink. (208) 255-7801
“Every Child Ready to Read”- A family literacy workshop for children ages 3-6 and their parents/caregivers. Learn early literacy skills to prepare for reading success in school. Monday, 10:30-11:30 a.m., Hayden Library, 8385 N. Government Way, Hayden, Idaho. Preregistration required. (208) 772-5612
Eileen Dey - Reiki master and mental health counselor discusses her book, “Touching the World Through Reiki.” Tuesday, 7 p.m., Auntie’s Bookstore, 402 W. Main Ave. (509) 838-0206
Coeur d’Alene Public Library Pageturners Books Club - “The War Lovers,” by Evan Thomas. Wednesday, 10:15 a.m., Coeur d’Alene Public Library, 702 E. Front Ave., Coeur d’Alene. (208) 769-2315, ext. 426
Whitworth Author Reading - By faculty members Vic Bobb, Thom Caraway, Laurie Lamon and Nicole Sheets and senior development writer Julie Riddle. Wednesday, 7 p.m., Whitworth University, Robinson Teaching Theatre, Weyerhaeuser Hall. (509) 777-4703
Carolyn Nunemaker - Local writer presents her book “Spokane and the Inland Northwest During World War II.” Wednesday, 7 p.m., Auntie’s Bookstore, 402 W. Main Ave. (509) 838-0206
Moran Prairie Library Book Club - “The Big Burn: Teddy Roosevelt and the Fire that Saved America,” by Timothy Egan. Thursday, 2 p.m., Moran Prairie Library, 6004 S. Regal St. (509) 893-8340
Jane Porter - Seattle author presents her latest release, “She’s Gone Country.” Thursday, 7 p.m., Auntie’s Bookstore, 402 W. Main Ave. (509) 838-0206
“Penny Post Cards - Homesteading Women” - By Missoula poet Phillip Burgess. Thursday, 7 p.m., Coeur d’Alene Library, 702 E. Front Ave., Coeur d’Alene. (208) 769-2315
Frank Zafiro - Book signing of The River City Series with “Beneath a Weeping Sky,” “Heroes Never Fail” and “Under a Raging Moon.” Friday, 4-7 p.m., Hastings, 2512 E. 29th Ave. (509) 535-4342
Sheila Kelly - Spokane native visits from Seattle to present her book, “Treadwell Gold: An Alaska Saga of Riches and Ruin.” Friday, 7 p.m., Auntie’s Bookstore, 402 W. Main Ave. (509) 838-0206
Spirits Loos’ed - A celebration of the human spirit in poetry and song, with readings by Zan Agzigian, Tom Davis, Iris Gribble-Neal, Tod Marshall, Gina Strachino and John Whalen, and music by the Spokane Area Children’s Chorus. Saturday, 4-6 p.m., Westminster Congregational United Church of Christ, 411 S. Washington St. (509) 473-9627