Gallery listings
Galleries with new exhibits and/or receptions are indicated with a . For complete listings, see Please send information about upcoming exhibits to
Area 58 - Tree/figure paintings by E.L. Stewart, small landscapes by Darrell Sullens, clay by A. Tuinstra, watercolor by F. Butts, and figures by O. Howard. 3036 N. Monroe St. (509) 327-0427
Bryan Oliver Gallery - “Underpinnings,” works by Amanda Knowles, Tuesday through Nov. 5; reception Tuesday, 5 p.m., followed by lecture at 6. Whitworth University, Ernst F. Lied Center for the Visual Arts, Room 201. (509) 777-3258
Chase Gallery - “Figurative Meets Abstract,” oil paintings by Selene Santucci. Spokane City Hall, lower level, 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. (509) 625-6050
Dodson’s Jewelers - “Local Landscapes,” works by Charlie Palmer and Vicki Broekel. 516 W. Riverside Ave. (509) 624-4163
Empyrean Coffee House - “Particles on the Wall,” visual and literary works, science and memorabilia exploring elements of the nuclear age. 154 S. Madison St. (509) 838-9819
Express Employment Professionals - African folk art, presented by the Inland Northwest Peace Corps Association. 331 W. Main Ave. (509) 747-6011
Gordy’s Sichuan Cafe - Watercolors and sumi-e by Keiko Von Holt. 501 E. 30th Ave. (509) 747-1170
Ink to Media Gallery - Photography by Mike Gass. 523 N. Pines Road, Spokane Valley. (509) 863-9125
John Thamm Gallery - “Urn Your Way,” Liz Bishop’s show depicting 30 artists’ views of death and bereavement. Hutton Building, 11 S. Washington St. (509) 868-7434
Jundt Art Museum - “Drawn to the Wall IV,” drawing installations by Michael Horswill, Louise Kodis, Ken Spiering, Carolyn Stephenson and Gordon Wilson; Arcade Gallery, 16 digital photographs of China by Robert Lloyd. Gonzaga University, 202 E. Cataldo Ave. (509) 313-6611
Kolva-Sullivan Gallery - “Good Girls,” Marilyn Lysohir remembers her contemporaries from the class of 1968 with 163 ceramic heads. 115 S. Adams St., Suite A. (509) 458-5517
Kress Gallery - “Faces of Hope,” photographs of children with autism by Ashley Potter. River Park Square, 808 W. Main Ave., level three. (509) 363-5317
Millwood Gallery - Works by various artists. 9009 E. Euclid Ave., Spokane Valley. (509) 927-2222
Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture – “100 Curious Things,” highlighting Spokane’s rough-and-ready history, including stagecoaches, tramways, newspaper empires, architecture and colorful characters, with personalized interactive digital features. “Gathering to Sing and Dance,” Rob Roberts’ photographs from regional powwows, with “The Real Powwow Trail” video by Shonto Pete. “Mestizo: Collections and Cultural Fusions,” illustrating the identity fused from the disparate cultures of the indigenous people and the colonizing Europeans. “Harold Balazs,” overview of the leading local artist’s 50-year career featuring more than 125 works. “Beyond Boundaries, Aztlan y mas alla,” works by the late Ruben Trejo. “Living Legacy: the American Indian Collection,” displays all of the Manning American Indian Collection acquired in 1916, the founding collection of the MAC. “Spokane Timeline: Personal Voices,” artifacts tracing Spokane’s history. Wednesday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. $7/adults, $5/seniors and students, free/age 5 and younger. 2316 W. First Ave. (509) 456-3931
On Sacred Grounds - “Palouse on My Mind,” oils and acrylics by Ellen Blaschke. 12212 E. Palouse Highway, Valleyford. (509) 747-6294
Pottery Place Plus - Oil paintings by Lydia Sproull and photography by Doug Edmonson. 203 N. Washington St. (main floor of Auntie’s Bookstore). (509) 327-6920
River Park Square - “I See You,” photo exhibit of children throughout the globe by World Vision’s Jon Warren, through Sept. 30. Atrium, 808 W. Main Ave. (866) SPO-KANE
Saranac Art Projects - Works by Carrie Scozarro and Lance Sinnema. 25 W. Main Ave. (509) 363-5325
Second Space Gallery - “Zero Sum,” works by Dani Pavlic exploring the violence in her native Guatemala. 610 W. Second Ave. (509) 847-3501
Tinman Gallery - “On the Road – Reflections on the Palouse,” oil paintings by Leonard Heid. 811 W. Garland Ave. (509) 325-1500
Coeur d’Alene/Post Falls
Jacklin Arts and Cultural Center - Glass art and jewelry show, through Friday. 405 N. William St., Post Falls. (208) 457-8950
Museum of North Idaho - “When the Mountains Roared,” exhibit on the 1910 fire; “Nordic Roots Run Deep.” Coeur d’Alene City Park, 115 Northwest Blvd., Coeur d’Alene. $3/adults, $1/ages 6-16, free/age 5 and younger, $7/family of two adults and two children. (208) 664-3448
The Gallery - Works by various regional artists. 100 W. Prairie Ave., Coeur d’Alene. (208) 661-7245
Sandpoint/Priest Lake
Art Works Gallery - Glass and watercolors by Susan Dalby; jewelry and photography by Bonnie DeHart; wearable art by Sally Dennison; jewelry and decorative housewares by Julie Ellis; photography by Joanne Heaviland; watercolors by Barbara Janusz; jewelry by Beth Viren; exotic wood pens by Paul Viren, through Sunday. 214 N. First Ave., Sandpoint. (208) 263-2642
Business Suites of Sandpoint Center - Oils by Dan Earle; photography by Carver Kearney and Will Venard; mixed media by Eli Sevenich, mixed media; watercolors by Catherine Earle, through Sunday. 804 Airport Way, Sandpoint. (208) 263-4073
Cedar Street Bridge Market - Photography by Al Seger and sculptures and watercolors by Bill Klein, through Sunday. 334 N. First Ave., Sandpoint. (208) 263-1685
Coldwater Creek Wine Bar - Photography by Tom Woodward, Theron Humphrey, Mark Anderson, Ben Anderson and Jeff Strauss, through Sunday. 311 N. First St., Sandpoint. (208) 263-6971
Elkins Resort - Wine tasting reception with Dann Hall, featuring The Ross Hall Collection of early photographs of Priest Lake. Friday, 5-7 p.m. Priest Lake, 404 Elkins Road, Nordman. (208) 443-2342
Evans Brothers Coffee Roasters - Acrylics by Brett Rennison and Jeff Hughart, glass works by Sara McTavish, through Sunday. 524 Oak St., Sandpoint. (208) 265-5553
Fairytales - Photography by Staci Bailey, through Sunday. 105 Main St., Sandpoint. (208) 263-5782
First Light Gallery - Photography by Marie Dominique-Verdier and Ron Bedford and acrylics by Scott Kirby, through Sunday. 302 N. First Ave., Sandpoint. (208) 265-8116
Foster’s Crossing/Cafe Bodega – Photography by Carver Kearney, through Sunday. 504 Oak St., Sandpoint. (208) 263-5911
Fritz’s Frypan - Acrylics by Jan Welle, through Sunday. 329 N. First Ave., Sandpoint. (208) 255-1863
Hallan’s Gallery - Photography by Ross Hall and Dann Hall, through Sunday. 323 N. First Ave., Sandpoint. (208) 263-4707
Inquire Within - Mixed media by Josh Knaggs and silk printing by Kelly Price, through Sunday. 516 Oak St., Sandpoint. (208) 255-7903
Ivano’s Ristorante - Metal works by Tom Brunner, through Sunday. 102 S. First Ave., Sandpoint. (208) 263-0211
Keller-Williams Realty - Multimedia works by Steven Scroggins, through Sunday. 212 N. First Ave., Sandpoint. (208) 265-2020
Laser Metal - Metal works by Jon Sayler, through Sunday. 314 N. Fifth Ave., Sandpoint. (208) 263-2422
Monarch Mountain Coffee - Photography by Gloria de los Santos, through Sunday. 208 N. Fourth Ave., Sandpoint. (208) 265-9382
Northwest Handmade - Glass works by Sheryl Garrison and mixed media by Laurie Huston, through Sunday. 308 N. First Ave., Sandpoint. (208) 255-1962
Panhandle State Bank - Photography by Lou Baribeau and Foster Cline; fibers by Hermie Cline; oils and watercolors by Connie Scherr; oils and acrylics by Shellby Young; mixed media by Lori Moore, through Sunday. 414 Church St., Sandpoint. (208) 263-0505
Pend d’Oreille Winery - Jewelry by Hali Karr, through Sunday. 220 Cedar St., Sandpoint. (208) 265-8545
Pend Oreille Arts Council Gallery – “Art Aquatic,” water-themed multimedia works by various artists, through Sunday. Old Power House, 120 Lake Street, Sandpoint. (208) 263-6139
Redtail Gallery - Works by Aaron Cordell Johnson, through Sunday. Sandpoint Center for the Arts, Oak and Sixth Street, Sandpoint. (208) 265-1810
Sandpoint Chamber of Commerce - Mixed media by Haven St. Anne and Jennifer Hinds, through Sunday. 231 N. Third Ave., Sandpoint. (208) 263-2161
Starbucks Coffee - Multimedia by Diana Schuppel, through Sunday. 108 N. First Ave., Sandpoint. (208) 263-1330
Studio 524 - “Recycled,” works by various artists, through Sunday. Woods Wheatcroft Photography, 524 Church St., Sandpoint. (208) 255-9412
Taylor-Parker Motor Company - Photography by Brendan Rodgers and Charles Smith; watercolors by Linda Wolfe; ceramics by Carolyn Guy; and oils by Diana Moses Botkin, through Sunday. 300 Cedar St., Sandpoint. (208) 263-2138
Zero Point - Acrylics by Barry Donaldson, through Sunday. 226 N. First Ave., Sandpoint. (208) 255-2522
Eastern Washington
Artisans at the Dahmen Barn - Impressionistic landscape oil paintings by Gloria Dawson Teats; reception Saturday, 1-4 p.m.. Highway 195, 419 N. Park Way, Uniontown. (509) 229-3414
Bank Left Gallery - “Slow Literature,” tapestries and ink and pencil drawings by Sarah Swett, Saturday through Oct. 2; reception Saturday, 1-5 p.m., with music by violinist Becky Miller. 100 S. Bridge St., Palouse. (509) 878-8425
Kirtland Cutter Gallery - Painting, photography, 3D works and fiber arts by members of Spokane’s River Ridge Association of Fine Arts. The Cutter Theatre, 302 Park St., second floor, Metaline Falls. (509) 446-4108
Lincoln County Historical Museum - Portrays the evolution of Lincoln County, with Indian artifacts and displays, the evolution of farming and impact of railroading. 600 Seventh St., Davenport. Free. (509) 725-6711
Old Hotel Art Gallery - Works by Gretchen Durepo, during September; reception today, 6-8 p.m. 33 E. Larch Street, Othello. (509) 488-5936
WSU Conner Museum of Natural History - “Nature Twice,” a special exhibit of poetry about animals and nature, through Nov. 21; poetry reading and reception today, 7 p.m., Room 201. Washington State University, Abelson Hall, ground floor, Pullman. (509) 592-0262
WSU Museum of Art - Fine Arts Faculty Focus: Ross Coates. Washington State University, Fine Arts Center, 100 Wilson Road (across from Martin Stadium), Pullman. (509) 335-1910
Moscow Food Co-op - Photography by Donal Wilkinson, Friday through Oct. 6; reception Friday, 5:30-7 p.m. Deli Gallery, 121 E. Fifth St., Moscow. (208) 882-8537
University of Idaho/Prichard Art Gallery - “In Defense,” sculpture and ceramics by Alexis Gregg and Tanner Coleman, through Sunday. 414/416 S. Main St., Moscow. (208) 885-3586