Gallery Listings
Galleries with new exhibits and/or receptions are indicated with a . For complete listings, see Please send information about upcoming exhibits to
Bryan Oliver Gallery - “Underpinnings,” works by Amanda Knowles. Whitworth University, Ernst F. Lied Center for the Visual Arts, Room 201. (509) 777-3258
Empyrean Coffee House - “Particles on the Wall,” visual and literary works, science and memorabilia exploring elements of the nuclear age, through today; reception today, 5-8 p.m. 171 S. Washington St. (509) 838-9819
Express Employment Professionals - African folk art, presented by the Inland Northwest Peace Corps Association. 331 W. Main Ave. (509) 747-6011
Gordy’s Sichuan Cafe - Watercolors and sumi-e by Keiko Von Holt. 501 E. 30th Ave. (509) 747-1170
Masonic Center - “Fall Festival of Arts,” works by more than 20 artists including watercolors, oils, photography, weaving, wood turning, pottery, glass, jewelry, origami and lamps; plus children’s activities, food booths, live music, local CDs, silent auction, raffle, and antique appraisals for $5 per item. Sponsored by Daughters of the Nile. Saturday-Sunday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Falls Room, sixth floor, 1108 W. Riverside Ave. (509) 235-8984
Millwood Gallery - Works by various artists. 9009 E. Euclid Ave., Spokane Valley. (509) 927-2222
No Other Way Home - An alternative art space exhibition featuring works in various media by Keshia Wright, Cori McWilliams, Ryan Desmond and Juventino Aranda. Friday, 5-9 p.m., 823 W. Second Ave. (509) 475-4991
Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture - “100 Curious Things,” highlighting Spokane’s rough-and-ready history including stagecoaches, tramways, newspaper empires, architecture and colorful characters, with personalized interactive digital features. “Gathering to Sing and Dance,” Rob Roberts’ photographs from regional powwows, with “The Real Powwow Trail” video by Shonto Pete. “Mestizo: Collections and Cultural Fusions,” illustrating the identity fused from the disparate cultures of the indigenous people and the colonizing Europeans. “Harold Balazs,” overview of the leading local artist’s 50-year career featuring more than 125 works. “Beyond Boundaries, Aztlan y mas alla,” works by the late Ruben Trejo. “Living Legacy: the American Indian Collection,” displays all of the Manning American Indian Collection acquired in 1916, the founding collection of the MAC. “Spokane Timeline: Personal Voices,” artifacts tracing Spokane’s history. Wednesday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. $7/adults, $5/seniors and students, free/age 5 and younger. 2316 W. First Ave. (509) 456-3931
On Sacred Grounds - “Euro Escapes,” photography by Linda Lowry. 12212 E. Palouse Highway, Valleyford. (509) 747-6294
River Park Square - “I See You,” photo exhibit by World Vision’s Jon Warren, through today. Atrium, 808 W. Main Ave. (866) SPO-KANE
Saint George’s School Art Gallery - Alumni art exhibit by Sarah Jackson. 2929 W. Waikiki Road. (509) 466-1636
Spokane Falls Community College - “Fantasia in Clay” by Gerit Grimm. SFCC Fine Arts Gallery, Building 6, 3410 W. Fort George Wright Drive. (509) 533-3710
Coeur d’Alene/Post Falls
Art Spirit Gallery - Oil paintings and charcoal drawings by Victoria Brace and Katherine Nelson, through Saturday. 415 Sherman Ave., Coeur d’Alene. (208) 765-6006
Gallery Northwest - “Organics,” fine art and functional works of art from nature by Vern Judkins and 3 Dog Arts, through today. 217 E. Sherman Ave., Coeur d’Alene. (208) 667-5700
Jacklin Arts and Cultural Center – Wood Art and Watercolorists of the Inland Northwest. 405 N. William St., Post Falls. (208) 457-8950
Museum of North Idaho - “When the Mountains Roared,” exhibit on the 1910 fire; “Nordic Roots Run Deep.” Coeur d’Alene City Park, 115 Northwest Blvd., Coeur d’Alene. $3/adults, $1/ages 6-16, free/age 5 and younger, $7/family of two adults and two children. (208) 664-3448
North Idaho College - “Drawing,” works by Val Carter, Karen Lohrke Kaiser, Jeanette Kirishian, Melissa Lang and George Wray, Monday through Nov. 5; gallery walk Tuesday, 10:30 a.m. and 1 p.m., followed by reception 5-7 p.m. Corner Gallery, Boswell Hall, 1000 W. Garden Ave., Coeur d’Alene. (208) 651-6484
Northwest Artists Co-op - Pottery by Lezlie Finet, water fountains by Jonny Hasper and sumi-e painting by Keiko von Holt, through today. 509 Sherman Ave., Coeur d’Alene. (208) 667-1464
Sandpoint/Priest Lake
Art Works Gallery - Precious metal clay silver and fused dichroic glass jewelry by Susie Pace, through today. 214 N. First Ave., Sandpoint. (208) 263-2642
Entree Gallery at Reeder Bay - “Famous People and Familiar Places,” vintage black-and-white photography from the Ross Hall collection. 1755 Reeder Bay Road at Priest Lake, Nordman, Idaho. (208) 443-2001
Pend Oreille Arts Council Gallery – “What if …,” eighth annual member artists’ show. Old Power House, 120 Lake Street, Sandpoint. (208) 263-6139
Redtail Gallery - “Two in the Landscape.” Sandpoint Center for the Arts, Oak and Sixth Street, Sandpoint. (208) 265-1810
Moscow Food Co-op - Photography by Donal Wilkinson, through Wednesday. Deli Gallery, 121 E. Fifth St., Moscow. (208) 882-8537
Third Street Gallery - “Palouse Pein Air 2010,” outdoor works by local artists, Saturday, 5-7 p.m. Moscow City Hall, second and third floors, 206 E. Third St, Moscow. (208) 883-7132
University of Idaho, Prichard Gallery - “As the Camera Sees It,” photographic works using lasers and custom-made optics by Iole Alessandrini and Ed Mannery. 414/416 S. Main St., Moscow. (208) 885-3586
Eastern Washington
Artisans at the Dahmen Barn - Palouse Watercolor Socius annual members show and sale, Friday through Oct. 31; reception Sunday, 1-4 p.m. Highway 195, 419 N. Park Way, Uniontown. (509) 229-3414
Bank Left Gallery - “Slow Literature,” tapestries and ink and pencil drawings by Sarah Swett, through Saturday. 100 S. Bridge St., Palouse. (509) 878-8425
EWU Gallery of Art - “Sift,” new works by Mary Farrell and Mardis Nenno, today through Nov. 11; reception today at noon. Eastern Washington University, 140 Art Building, Cheney. (509) 359-2494
Lincoln County Historical Museum - Portrays the evolution of Lincoln County, with Indian artifacts and displays, the evolution of farming and impact of railroading, through today. 600 Seventh St., Davenport. Free. (509) 725-6711
Old Hotel Art Gallery - Works by Gretchen Durepo, through today. 33 E. Larch Street, Othello. (509) 488-5936
WSU Conner Museum of Natural History - “Nature Twice,” a special exhibit of poetry about animals and nature. Washington State University, Abelson Hall, ground floor, Pullman. (509) 592-0262
WSU CUB Gallery - “On and Off the Road: Two Decades of B and W Photography” by Bill Voxman, through Friday. Washington State University, Compton Union Building, Pullman. Free. (509) 335-2313.
WSU Museum of Art - “Contemporary Australian Aboriginal Art: From the Collection of Margaret Levi and Robert Kaplan,” through Dec. 11; reception today at 6 p.m., followed by lecture at 7 p.m. in the Fine Arts Auditorium. Fully refurbished 1958 Airstream Overlander trailer on display in the Fine Arts Plaza through Friday. Washington State University, Fine Arts Center, 100 Wilson Road (across from Martin Stadium), Pullman. (509) 335-1910