Education Notebook: Writing contest keys on Holocaust
For the fifth year, local high school students are being asked to help the community remember the Holocaust in a creative writing contest as part of the Spokane Community Observance of the Holocaust.
The theme, “And You Shall Tell Your Children,” is based on the Passover tradition of Jews telling their children about their people’s exodus from Egypt as if they had actually been there.
Students are asked to compose a story or poem of 500 to 1,000 words in the voice of a child survivor of the Holocaust and explain what they would want their own children to learn from their experiences. Background information on children during the Holocaust is available at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum website at, the keyword is “children.”
Entries need to be double-spaced in Microsoft Word format, along with a cover page including the writer’s name, phone number, e-mail address, and school name and grade level. Compositions need to be e-mailed as an attachment to neveragain-spokane@comcast. net on March 13.
The Spokesman-Review will publish the winning composition and the winner will have the opportunity to read the composition at the Spokane Community Observance of the Holocaust service on April 28 at Temple Beth Shalom. The winner will receive a $500 scholarship and a commemorative keepsake. Second place will receive a $250 scholarship and the third-place winner will be given a $100 scholarship.
For more information visit the Facebook page, “Never Again Spokane.”
Salk Middle School plans spaghetti feed, auction
Salk Middle School will hold its 16th annual Spaghetti Feed and Silent Auction next Thursday to benefit the music department.
The community is welcome to enjoy a spaghetti dinner, served at 5:30 and 6:30 p.m., and the silent auction will be held through 8:30 p.m. Proceeds will support Salk’s band, choir and orchestra, providing funds for trips, music, uniforms and instruments.
Tickets are $5 per person, age 13 and older; $4 each, age 5 through 12; and free for children age 4 and under.
For more information call Bryan Bogue at (509) 354-5575.
Spokane Public Schools honors Logan teachers
Spokane Public Schools has recognized the first Distinguished Educator Team of 2011.
Logan Elementary School’s sixth grade/special education team was honored for working collaboratively to improve student learning. The team includes Doug Joslyn, Sandra Rendle, Linda Berlin and Vickie Berryman.
Logan Principal Lisa Pacheco nominated the team. Pacheco said in a press release the teachers are “representative of the kind of educators that all should aspire to emulate. Their dedication and commitment is evidenced by the endless hours they spend collaborating to improve their teaching. These professionals meet several times during the day to discuss problems of practice and design lessons to best meet the needs of their students.”
Logan recently was recognized as the State Title I Distinguished School for exceeding annual yearly progress in reading, and also received the State Academic Achievement Award for improved reading scores. Logan’s principal has stated that the awards were received in large part due to the sixth grade’s scores on the state assessment, which have consistently been above 80 percent.
“These teachers connect with students in a positive way and have created a learning environment that is respectful and welcoming,” Pacheco said. “Their ability to instill a love of learning with the students they serve has been paramount to their success.”