Business Beat

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• ALSC Architects of Spokane has hired Marci Schreiber as an interior designer. She is a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) accredited professional, and she holds master’s degrees in interior design from Washington State University and organizational leadership from Gonzaga University.
• Jamie Gaan has been hired as a project manager for Steven A. Meek Architects.
• The Council for Advancement and Support of Education Circle of Excellence Program presented Whitworth University with a Silver Award in the video general features category for “With Grace and Truth: The Robinson Presidency.”
• Ronald Smith has been appointed vice president of finance and administration for the University of Idaho. He previously served as vice president of finance and business affairs at Seattle University. He holds a bachelor’s degree in commerce and accounting from Montana State University, a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Montana and a doctorate in higher education administration from UI.
• The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services elected Carolynne Myall as incoming president-elect. Myall works for Eastern Washington University Libraries as head of the Collection Services Division.
• Jonathan Potter has been elected as incoming chair-elect of the Medical Library Association’s Nursing and Allied Health Resources Section. Potter is a library reference and instruction liaison to Eastern Washington University’s Allied Health programs.
• DCI Engineers has rehired Kevin Cary as a structural project engineer. He holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Gonzaga University. The company also has hired Jeremy Sink and Aaron Jehring in its engineers’ structural CAD department. Both hold associate’s degrees in computer aided drafting and design from ITT Technical Institute of Spokane.
• Kelly Waterman has been promoted to an associate for NAC Architecture. He has been with the company since 2006.
• Inland Northwest Bank has hired TJ Brill as a vice president and commercial loan officer. He previously worked for Banner Bank in Spokane and has 13 years of banking experience.
• Jan Chadderdon-Olsen has been hired by Hagadone Hospitality as manager of Beachouse Restaurant on Lake Coeur d’Alene. She previously worked for the Coeur d’Alene Resort as front services manager.
• MacKenzie River Pizza Co. in North Spokane and Coaches vs. Cancer raised nearly $3,000 for Camp Goodtimes East during their VIP Benefit Dinner at the restaurant.
• The following Spokane attorneys have been named members on the Legal Aid for Washington Fund’s board of directors: William Hyslop of Lukins and Annis P.S.; Theresa Keyes of K and L Gates LLP; and Douglas Siddoway of Randall and Danskin P.S.
• FEI Company has named MacKay Manufacturing supplier of the year for 2010. The Spokane company specializes in supplying precision custom machined parts and assemblies for high technology and medical device companies.
Real Estate
• Sean Logon and Russ Marks have been hired as sales associates for Exit Real Estate North.
• BIAS Software has hired Derrick Oliphant as an assistant programmer and head of IT support. He previously worked for Pandamic Inc. and General Dynamics and holds a degree in computer sciences from Eastern Washington University. The company also hired Jordan Johnson as a client support specialist. He previously served in the Marine Corps and is studying accounting at Eastern Washington University.
• Carl Carlson of Spokane has been recognized by Werner Enterprises for safely driving 1 million miles. Carlson has been a driver for the company for nine years and has 27 years of professional driving experience.