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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Idaho redistricters agree - 3 weeks after deadline

BOISE - In the latest twist in this year’s Idaho redistricting saga, the Idaho Republican and Democratic parties issued a joint media advisory just after 5 p.m. today saying the six previous redistricting commissioners, from both parties, have now reached agreement on both congressional and legislative district plans, and will present them to Idaho Secretary of State Ben Ysursa on Monday morning. The previous commission was disbanded after it failed to meet its Sept. 6 deadline, and a new six-member commission is scheduled to be sworn in and start work on Wednesday. In the joint advisory, the two parties said the now-agreed-upon congressional plan is C-38, one the previous commission discussed earlier, and the new legislative plan is L-83, a new plan that will go up online for viewing on Monday. Idaho Republican Party Chairman Norm Semanko said, “The Supreme Court, in their ruling, I think everybody noticed they said they can’t order the commission to reconvene. The commissioners didn’t take that to mean they can’t continue to talk of their own accord, and that’s exactly what they did.” The six reached unanimous agreement today on both congressional and legislative district lines, Semanko said. As to what legal effect that agreement has, Semanko said it’s unknown at this point, and that’s why he and Idaho Democratic Party Chairman Larry Grant will meet with Ysursa first thing Monday morning. Semanko, an attorney, said he hoped there would be “lots of smart lawyers in the room.” The Democratic Party already has named three new redistricting commissioners; Semanko said the Republicans still plan to name three new commissioners by Wednesday.