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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883



Get her out of the way

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers’ solution to the challenges this country faces is for government “to just get out of the way.” The Republican strategy of governmental negativism has at least been consistent: anything Obama proposes, just say no (even as he seeks compromise); obstruct as much legislation as possible and thus prove that government is ineffective.

The result? Conservative columnist David Brooks recently wrote that “middle-class wages have been stagnating for a generation. Inequality is rising and society is stratifying. … It will take an active government to reverse the stagnation in education. … Republicans have done almost nothing to grapple with and address the deepest structural problems.”

McMorris Rodgers and fellow anti-government government employees’ mantra of “inconsequential” government is a way of maintaining a status quo in which corporations and the super-rich grow and are protected, while middle- and lower-class families are left exposed to the market.

Cut, cut, cut is not a responsible agenda for a positive future. Most of this country’s greatest achievements have been made through public-private partnerships.

And yet, in perfect Bizarro World logic, McMorris Rodgers seeks re-election – that is, re-employment by government – for the purpose of getting government out of the way!

Chris Bruce


Canada understands energy

Juliet Sinisterra’s letter (“Pipeline not worth it”) regarding the tar sands in Alberta and Saskatchewan is pure baloney. The Canadians are just as concerned with the environment as anyone. Canada is the second-largest country on the planet, with a population of 37 million rattling around in 6 million square miles. When the tar sands are removed, they are replaced with clean soil and sand.

By the way, regarding using a lot of water and energy, the tar sands are encircled with water and hydroelectric power.

The tar sands are not the only game in town. Turner Valley, Alberta, is still pumping oil. Also, Newfoundland, Labrador and Nova Scotia are getting oil from huge deposits under the Atlantic Ocean.

Prince Rupert on the British Columbia coast is having the port greatly enlarged to handle container ships and tankers. China is very interested.

Don Harper


Government aims to serve

The phrase “get the government off my back” has really gotten to me.

Those who use this phrase, I am sure, would be greatly upset if we did not have police, fire protection, street maintenance, food inspectors, animal control – the list could go on.

Yes, the government is very involved in our lives. The aim is to improve and better them. Regulations are certainly becoming more complex, but are responding to newly identified concerns.

I’m 82 years old and recognize that times have changed. Society is very complex, with multiple levels of education, ability and skill. This, plus the enormous amount of new information that is constantly surfacing, challenges everyone. We are accustomed to expect a certain measure of services that enhance our lives. Regulations and services are designed and performed by human beings and as a result are not perfect.

Most of us recognize that a complex society needs an involved government. Nothing is perfect and very little is free. It does cost to live safely and securely and comfortably. Hopefully, our political parties will work together to keep this country a great nation governed by its people.

Alice E. Penna


Dump GOP and Obama

It has been obvious for a long time that this country is in serious economic trouble. It has also been obvious that there are two problems causing this disaster. One is the Republican members of the Congress, both House and Senate. They have blocked any Democratic bills that would have created jobs, which this country desperately needs to address, and they have proposed absolutely no job-creating bills. They only work for the rich non-job-creators.

The other problem is the president. He has been led around by the nose by the Republicans, given in to them and has gotten nothing in return. He has put Social Security and Medicare, the two most successful programs in history, on the chopping block. He has supported the polluters, thus selling our children’s future to the big corporations.

The obvious solution to both of these problems is to replace them. Vote out all Republicans in Congress, so that a Democratic assembly could pass bills to create jobs, protect the environment and make a fair tax policy for everybody. Replace the president; it doesn’t really matter with whom if we have a veto-proof majority of Democrats in both houses of Congress.

David Randall
