That’s NEWS to you
If you’ve been following the news, you could do well on our weekly quiz. After testing your news sense with our newspaper edition of That’s News to You, why not try our online, interactive version at newsquiz. Top entries each week go into a drawing for a $50 gift card to the Davenport Hotel, and all entries this week go into a drawing for four tickets to the WSU-EWU football game in Pullman, plus a parking pass.
1. WSU students had trouble receiving financial aid payments last week because of a glitch in the university’s new software. Roughly what portion of WSU students receive some kind of financial aid?
A. About one-fourth
B. About one-third
C. About half
D. About two-thirds
E. About three-fourths
2. Frank Straub was mentioned in the news a fair amount last week. Who is he?
A. A person who died after climbing out of a gondola in the Silver Valley and falling
B. Spokane’s new police ombudsman
C. The mayor’s pick for Spokane police chief
D. A former Idaho legislator ordered to serve jail time
E. A former Idaho transportation director who settled a lawsuit
3. It’s wheat harvest time on the Palouse, where many of the state’s 3,000 wheat farms are. How does the number of wheat farms in Washington now compare to 15 years ago?
A. It’s almost double
B. It’s about 50 percent higher
C. It’s about the same
D. It’s down about 20 percent
E. It’s about half as many
4. The Lands Council helped relocate a problem animal from Addy, Wash., to a ranch near Wauconda, Wash., recently. What kind of critter was it?
A. A beaver
B. A caribou
C. An eagle
D. A moose
E. A wolf
5. What United States Cabinet secretary was in Spokane last week?
A. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta
B. Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis
C. Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner
D. Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood
E. Can’t fool me. Cabinet secretaries don’t waste time coming to Spokane.
Check your work
To see the answers, and last week’s winners, go to Page B 7.