Annual S-R Valentine’s Day coloring contest draws 445 entrants
Puts a wide array of techniques on display
More than 400 area children set judges’ hearts a-pumping this year with their entries in the annual Spokesman-Review Valentine’s Day coloring contest.
The techniques used on the 445 entries this year were varied.
In the 4-and-younger age group, Lilee Westberry, a 2-year-old from Spokane Valley, drew the judges’ attention with her creative use of Q-Tips to paint her picture. Tony Soulier-Parker, 3, of Wilbur, Wash., crafted a heart that looks like a piece of candy, while 4-year-old Ashley Peone, of Spokane, used a nontraditional background color – yellow – to set her heart apart.
Among the 5- to 7-year-olds, Corinne Gregory, a 7-year-old from Spokane Valley, scored high marks for her picture resembling puffy paint. Allison Goeske, 6, of Nine Mile Falls, made hearts melt with her heart-spotted kitty cat, while Benjamin Holodnick, a 6-year-old from Fairchild Air Force Base, caught the judges’ eyes with his use of colored and crinkled aluminum foil.
In the next age category, the 8- to 12-year-olds, the entries didn’t disappoint. Amy Bethmann, a 10-year-old from Spokane Valley, scored much praise for her Riverfront Park-themed heart. Any Valentine’s Day decoration that includes a drawing of the garbage-eating goat is OK with us.
Davenport, Wash., resident Sydney Zeiler, 11, clearly spent a lot of time on her colorful, elaborate heart that is reminiscent of stained glass. And finally, Jora Gleason of Spokane, showed us that she may have a future in medicine. The 11-year-old’s realistic heart drew high praise.
The winners will receive a gift certificate from Mobius Kids. Meanwhile, people are invited to check out many of the entries when they’re on display this week at Mobius, 808 W. Main Ave.
– Carolyn Lamberson, features editor