Home Calendar
Art Classes at The Art Coop - Choose from more than 30 classes including: Cement Leaves, Hanging Yard Art, Microscope Slide Soldered Jewelry, and Fused Glass Jewelry. Classes will not be prescheduled; choose your own craft, date and time. For more information, visit www.theartcoop.net. Art Coop, 4225 N. G St. $25-$90, supplies included. (509) 327-3726.
Summer Painting Studio Youth Workshops - Fridays through Aug. 24 at 1 p.m. for ages 4-12. Create a masterpiece using collage and paint. Develop your own style and learn about a famous 20th century artist. You will paint on real artist canvas board. Registration requested. Tinman Gallery, 809 W. Garland Ave. $15, includes supplies. (509) 325-1500.
Quilting Songs from Down Under and All Over - Canadian Cathy Miller, the Singing Quilter, will tell stories, present a trunk show, and sing quilting songs at the Washington State Quilters - Spokane Chapter quarterly meeting. Two sessions, 1 and 7 p.m. Thursday, CenterPlace, 2426 N. Discovery Place, Spokane Valley. $10. (509) 863-5536.
Sixth Annual Artists Loose on the Palouse Festival - July 28-29. Featuring local artists and crafters, Valleyford Museum and walking tours, cooperative painting, parade on the Palouse Highway (Sunday at noon) and Classic Car and Tractor Show (after parade). Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and July 29, 11:30 a.m.-5 p.m., On Sacred Grounds, 12212 E. Palouse Highway, Valleyford. (509) 747-6294.
Junk Salvation by the Funky Junk Sisters - Gathering of hand-picked vendors selling their best junking goods in more than 50 booths. Aug. 4, 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Kootenai County Fairgrounds, 4056 N. Government Way, Coeur d’Alene. $15/until 10 a.m., $7/after 10 a.m. (253) 359-0102.
National Lentil Festival - Aug. 17-18. 24th annual event. Friday: free lentil chili, live music, arts and crafts, microbrew tasting tent, food, information booths, children’s area and games; Saturday: lentil pancake breakfast, Tase T. Lentil 5K Fun Run, the Tour de Lentil 100K Bike Ride, Little Lentil Sprout Parade and Grand Parade through downtown Pullman, lentil cook off, children’s stage, live music. Visit www.lentilfest.com. 415 N. Grand Ave., Pullman. Free admission to festival. (800) 365-6948.
17th Annual Quilt Show - Sept. 3-4. “Quilting by the Rivers” presented by Valley Piecemakers Quilt and Craft Club. Sunday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. and Monday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Heyburn Elementary School, gym, 1405 Main Ave., St. Maries, Idaho. $1. (208) 245-2356.
Garden Clinics - WSU/Pend Oreille County Master Gardeners will offer free diagnosis and advice. Library locations and times include: Newport Library, 6-8 p.m. Thursdays this summer or phone calls during these hours at (509) 447-2111; Ione Library, 1-3 p.m. Tuesdays; and Cusick Library, 6-8 p.m. second and third Tuesdays of the month. Plant and insect samples for clinics can be dropped off at the Extension Office, 418 S. Scott in Newport, Wash., on weekdays from 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Garden questions and pictures can be emailed to cmack@wsu.edu or phoned in at (509) 447-2401.
Wildlife Damage Control for Organic Farmers - Hosted by Diane Green of Greentree Naturals. Organic farmers will learn how to implement legal, effective, efficient and environmentally safe vertebrate pest control practices. Come an hour early to network with other farmers and bring a sack lunch. For reservations, call (208) 263-8957. Today, 1 p.m., Greentree Naturals Certified Organic Farm, 2003 Rapid Lightning Road, Sandpoint. $7.
Sell, Keep or Toss - DeAnne Wilfong, of Smooth Transitions of the Inland Northwest, will provide practical, down-to-earth information to help guide you through the “Sell? Keep? Toss?” process. She will discuss passing treasured mementos to future generations, recognizing valuable collections, finding reputable appraisers and auctioneers, how to get a tax benefit from donating unwanted items and maximizing the profit on items sold. There will also be handouts and prizes. Monday, 10-11:30 a.m., South Side Senior Center, 2934 E. 27th Ave. Free. (509) 535-0803 or (509) 443-7211.
Living History Walking Tours - Presented by Robert Singletary of Old Fort Sherman and Historic Downtown Coeur d’Alene and sponsored by the Museum of North Idaho. Tours depart from the museum Tuesday through Saturday and last 60 to 90 minutes. For the Fort Sherman Tour, scheduled for 11 a.m., Singletary portrays Gen. William Carlin, the commander at Fort Sherman for many years. At 1 p.m. he take on the persona of Peter Sorensen, steamboat captain, boat builder, and community leader during the early years of Coeur d’Alene. Tickets are available at the Museum of North Idaho, 115 Northwest Blvd.; and the Coeur d’Alene Chamber of Commerce, 105 N. First St. Ticket price includes admission to the museum and parking. Museum of North Idaho, 115 Northwest Blvd., Coeur d’Alene. $15. (208) 664-3448.
Waste-to-Energy Facility Tours - Interested in knowing what happens to our garbage? Walk-in groups of 10 or fewer are welcome on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Group tours for more than 10, individuals with special needs, and classrooms can be arranged by calling ahead. Spokane Regional Solid Waste System, 2900 S. Geiger Blvd. (across from the Washington State Patrol). Free. (509) 625-6521.
Iris Rhizome Sale - Hosted by the Town and County Iris Society. Officially registered American Iris Society dwarf, median, tall bearded, and siberian iris will be available for sale for $2 to $3 dollars per rhizome. Saturday, 10 a.m., Spokane Valley Mall, J.C. Penney Center Court, 14700 E. Indiana, Spokane Valley. Free admission. (509) 255-9615.
2012 Pend Oreille River Garden Tour and Dinner - Tour includes children’s areas, vegetable gardens, water features, fish farm, perennial beds, fruit trees, live music, local crafters and many more creative ideas. Make reservations for the dinner following the tour in one of the gardens. Garden tour is from 1-4:30 p.m.; dinner is at 5 p.m. Tickets for the tour may be purchased Aug. 5 from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. at the Extension Office, 418 Scott St., Newport, Wash. Tickets for the dinner must be purchased by Friday. For more information, visit pendoreille.wsu.edu/ or call (509) 447-2401. Aug. 5 $10/tour, $10/dinner.
Lead Awareness Workshop - The Region 10 Environmental Protection Agency will host this workshop that will discuss the dangers of lead paint, history of lead-based paint, notification requirements and repair and renovation rules. Participants are encouraged to bring items from home of concern, such as brightly colored dishware, jewelry and toys. Aug. 13, 2-5 p.m., Spokane Public Library, 906 W. Main Ave. (206) 553-1541.
Pickin’ on the Prairie Antique Show - Aug. 18-19. Antiques, primitives, farmhouse décor, jewelry and more. Saturday-July 29, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Past Blessings Farm, 8521 N. Orchard Prairie Road (10 blocks north of Bigelow Gulch Road). $4/general, free/age 12 and younger; good for both days. (509) 499-5099.
Free Carriage Rides - Fridays, 5-9 p.m., during July and August. Presented by Spokane Teachers Credit Union and Downtown Spokane. Visit www.downtownspokane.org. Downtown Spokane, corner of Wall Street and Main Avenue. Free.
FFA/FFA Alumni Agriculture Festival - Ranch breakfast starting at 7 a.m. Events throughout the day include vendors, sheep shearing, working sheep dog demonstrations and informational booths. Barbecue at 5 p.m., dance at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Boundary County Fairgrounds, Bonners Ferry. $5/breakfast, $5/barbecue $5/dance, Free/all other events. (208) 290-6382.
Bonner County Rodeo - Aug. 17-18 at 7 p.m. nightly. Bonner County Fairgrounds, 4203 N. Boyer Road, Sandpoint. (208) 263-8414.
Bats of the Inland Northwest - A hands-on opportunity to learn about some of the abilities and essential services of bats that fly our skies at night. Ella Rowan, a Washington Fish and Wildlife Department biologist who specializes in bats, is teaming with biologists from other agencies to offer the class. Aug. 25, 7-11 p.m., Fire Station 93, 9915 W. Charles Road. $17/adults; $11/ages 7-17. (509) 625-6200.