second Friday Art Walk
Coeur d’Alene Friday, June 8, 5-8 p.m.
Angel Gallery of Fine Art & Antiques - Janene Grende will be demonstrating her vibrant paintings on silk and showing her latest pieces. Also, work by artists from the area as well as nationally known talents. 423 Sherman Ave. (208) 665-7232.
Art Spirit Gallery - New works, oil on engraved and constructed wood by Robert Grimes. 415 Sherman Ave. (208) 765-6006.
Coeur d’Alene Art Association - Harriett Masterson, plus many other artists, on display throughout the public area of the Plaza Shops. Resort Plaza Shops, across from Coeur d’Alene Resort. (208) 667-3988.
Coeur d’Alene Galleries - “Artists Gone Wild,” original works by Joe Kronenberg, Chad Poppleton, Tim Shinabarger, David Graham, Brett Smith, Cliff Rossberg and Terry Isaac. Coeur d’Alene Resort Lobby, 115 S. Second St. (208) 667-7732.
Devin Galleries - New works from four metal artists from throughout the Northwest. 507 E. Sherman Ave. (208) 667-2898.
Gallery Northwest - Meet “Bike Shadows” series batik artist Toni Spencer. Also, showing bicycle art in photography and pencil. 217 E. Sherman Ave. (208) 667-5700.
Northwest Artists - Works in paint, brush, canvas and pencil by Loretta Jenkins and guest artist Pam Evenson. 509 Sherman Ave. (208) 667-1464.
Painter’s Chair Gallery - Stephen Shortridge exhibits with 30 other local and nationally acclaimed artists. Live paintings and sculpting demonstrations by Shortridge and his daughter, Hayley. 223 Sherman Ave. (208) 667-3606.
Seasons of Coeur d’Alene - Watch woodcarver Russ DeVerniero as he creates a work of art; live guitar music by Bill Bozly at 7 p.m., 209 Lakeside Ave. (208) 664-8008.
Steven A. Scroggins Fine Art - Featuring internationally collected works by local artist Steven A. Scroggins. 110 N. Fourth St. (208) 659-8332.
Studio 107 - Featuring figurative works by Terry Lee. 503 E. Sherman Ave. (208) 664-1201.
Summers Glass and Beads - Unleash your creativity with us in our free fused glass workshop. 211 Sherman Ave. (208) 665-0875.