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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883



Printed news declining

Having worked for The Spokesman-Review for 33 years, now retired four years, it disturbs me to witness what is happening to the local paper and newspapers in general all over the country. Dramatic drops in circulation mean less advertisement and less revenue. The end result: newspaper employees losing jobs through layoffs or buyouts, those still working forced to take pay cuts and reductions in benefits.

Newspapers are a generational product. We older folks will keep them alive for a few more years. The young people don’t seem to care about the printed news. I can envision the eventual demise of newspapers. Nobody’s fault, just the way it is. Nothing lasts forever.

Dale Anderson


Disregard for planet appalling

“We’re not here to serve the Earth. The Earth is not the objective. Man is the objective.” This quote by Rick Santorum is appalling.

As a man who claims to be a devout Christian, it’s extremely hypocritical that he should consider one of the Lord’s most beautiful creations, the Earth, to be so expendable. We should give all of God’s creations equal respect and priority, because I’m sure the Lord doesn’t hold one of his creations above the rest.

If you don’t want to look at it from a religious point of view, then look at it like this: Rick Santorum is pushing to lower national debt so our children don’t inherit the money issue. If we all had Santorum’s environmental concern, or lack thereof, then our children would most definitely inherit a dying planet.

To quote Chief Seattle, “We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.” Don’t view the Earth as Rick Santorum does, as an object that’s been created for man to use and destroy because man is more important. Remember, man has survived with a weak economy, but man could not survive for one second without our Mother Earth.

Emma Vasilj


No respect for truth

One might consider it a moral low point to include three untruths in one short paragraph (“U.S. hits moral low point,” March 9).

1) Our president phoned Sandra Fluke to empathize with an egregiously slandered citizen. There was no congratulation.

2) Fluke made no demands.

3) She was discussing health risks (ovarian cysts, etc.) not promiscuity.

Please show some respect for the truth.

Thom Ray


Telling lies about Fluke

The lies that Republicans are telling about Sandra Fluke are despicable.

Fluke says she wants health care plans to cover contraception. Republicans have said, and Kathryn Korkus recently repeated in a March 9 letter, that Fluke wants the government to pay for her promiscuity. How do Republicans know Fluke is promiscuous? They don’t. How does Korkus know? She doesn’t.

Do Republicans and Korkus not know that birth control has numerous health functions for women other than preventing pregnancy? Of course they do. Do they not know that pregnancy prevention is the best known method to reduce the abortion rate? They know that, too.

Apart from undermining the Roe v. Wade decision, the real plan here is to immortalize as a person the human blastocyte – any fertilized human egg. As one reader put it years ago, a blastocyte should be protected because it is a nascent human entity. It is a mystery to me how anyone could get emotionally attached to something as abstract as a nascent human entity, but never mind.

The bigger mystery is how Republicans think they can win elections with lies and nonsense like this. Who is going to vote for them?

Lee Freese
