Political jabs return to campaign
Obama, Romney sharpen attacks after respite following storm
The afterglow of post-Sandy bipartisanship lingered briefly in the air of the presidential campaign Thursday, then vaporized as President Barack Obama and his challenger, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, threw themselves back into the political fray for a final push before Tuesday’s election.
Obama began the day by suggesting that the spirit of cooperation that emerged after the storm battered the East Coast might serve as a template for how the nation can be governed over the next four years. Speaking to a crowd in Green Bay, Obama praised the “leaders of different parties working to fix what’s broken.”
“There are no Democrats or Republicans during a storm,” Obama said. “There are just fellow Americans.”
The words seemed clearly to refer to New Jersey’s Republican governor, Chris Christie, with whom the president forged an unexpectedly friendly working relationship after the storm. They also harkened back to the speech that a relatively unknown Barack Obama delivered to the 2004 Democratic Convention, in which he talked about how there is no red or blue America, just “the United States of America.”
But the bipartisanship didn’t last long.
As the day rolled on, Romney went hard after Obama, Obama returned fire, and both sides released new television commercials that offered new lines of attack against the other.
Speaking in Roanoke, Va., Romney criticized Obama’s proposal to create a Cabinet-level position to oversee business, saying it reflects the president’s lack of understanding of how to create jobs and rekindle the economy.
“I don’t think adding a new chair in his Cabinet will help add millions of jobs on main street,” the GOP nominee told supporters gathered in a window factory. “We don’t need a Secretary of Business to understand business – we need a president who understands business, and I do.”
Romney was referring to a comment Obama made Monday that he would like to create a Secretary of Business to consolidate various federal government branches.
The comments by Romney marked a return to criticizing Obama on the campaign trail, which the GOP nominee halted during Sandy and its immediate aftermath. He said the president’s slogan of “Forward” ought to be “Forewarned.”
The Obama campaign launched a new ad, a second television spot challenging what it says are Romney’s misleading ads about the auto industry outsourcing jobs from Ohio to China. The new ad attempts to raise questions about Romney’s character.
It highlights statements from fact checkers and General Motors and Chrysler executives disputing the Romney spot, which implied that the auto companies were moving jobs to China during Obama’s tenure. The companies say they added jobs in China to serve the Asian auto market, but have continued hiring in this country.
“We know the truth, Mitt,” the ad reads as it shows a clip of Romney reciting the headline from the op-ed article he wrote that has come to haunt him: “Let Detroit Go Bankrupt.”