That’s NEWS to you
If you followed the news closely last week – or even if you didn’t – you could be a winner in our weekly quiz. After testing your news sense, go to newsquiz to try our interactive version, where the top entries go into our weekly drawing for a $50 gift card to the Davenport Hotel, and all entries this week go into drawings for four tickets and a parking pass to the Apple Cup in Pullman on Nov. 23.
1. What group went on strike recently in Spokane?
A. Starbucks baristas
B. WHL hockey players
C. WSU football players
D. Spokane Symphony musicians
E. Can’t fool me. None of those groups can go on strike.
2. The Spokane City Council approved a new zone in Hillyard that will allow what type of vehicle on the street?
A. Golf carts
B. Motorized skateboards
C. Snowmobiles in the winter
D. Cars with computerized drivers
E. Can’t fool me. The council can’t approve special transportation zones for one part of town.
3. Washington’s Electoral College votes will go to Barack Obama and Idaho’s will go to Mitt Romney this year. The last time a majority of Washington and Idaho voters both selected the candidate who won the presidency was
A. 1972, for Richard Nixon
B. 1984, for Ronald Reagan
C. 1988, for George H.W. Bush
D. 1996, for Bill Clinton
E. 2004, for George W. Bush
4. In state ballot measures this week
A. Idaho voters approved giving each high school student a laptop computer and Washington voters legalized recreational marijuana use for adults.
B. Idaho voters rejected giving each high school student a laptop computer and Washington voters legalized recreational marijuana use for adults.
C. Idaho voters approved giving each high school student a laptop computer and Washington voters refused to legalize recreational marijuana use for adults.
D. Idaho voters rejected giving each high school student a laptop computer and Washington voters refused to legalize recreational marijuana use for adults.
E. Can’t fool me. States don’t let people vote on those things.
5. A multimillion-dollar lawsuit between a large national corporation and local farmers was recently settled. What crop was involved in the suit?
A. Apples
B. Cherries
C. Grass seed
D. Legumes
E. Wheat
Check your work
Find answers and last week’s winners on page B10.