Travel conditions remain good over Inland NW

Travel conditions continue to be favorable as the latter part of the Thanksgiving holiday weekend gets going today.
However, highways in the northern mountain passes in Washington are covered with snow.
Roads are bare and dry in the Spokane area and there has been no fog to slow traffic on the region’s roadways.
Snow has been falling along the east slopes of the Cascades. Snoqualmie Pass on Interstate 90 was mostly bare and wet with slush in places this morning.
Stevens Pass on U.S. Highway 2, at 4,061 feet in elevation, had compact snow and ice covering the roadway.
Sherman Pass at 5,075 feet also had snow and ice on the road with snow falling.
In North Idaho, Lookout Pass was wet, but Fourth of July Pass was dry, both on I-90.
Rain is expected later today in the Inland Northwest with a high of 44 and a low tonight of 38.
The storm eases on Saturday when another high of 44 is expected. But the low Saturday night should drop to freezing.
Light wind is expected both days.
Saturday night and Sunday morning bring a slight chance of snow, although mid-day temperatures on Sunday will be well above freezing at about 40 in Spokane.