Culinary Calendar
Cooking Classes at The Kitchen Engine - Upcoming classes include: Today at 5:30 p.m., A Soup Pairing: Eight Soups in 90 Minutes with Jamie Aquino; Sunday at 2 p.m., Homemade Pasta with Alex Austin; Monday at 5:30 p.m., Fish Taco and Mexican Grilled Corn with Tiffany White; Tuesday at 5:30 p.m., Midnight at the Oasis Middle Eastern cuisine with Angela Monson; Oct. 17 at 5:30 p.m., Indoor BBQ with chef Nathan Steinbaur; Oct. 18 at 5:30 p.m., Aloha Hawaiian Tropicana with chef Landon Dalessi; Oct. 21 at 2 p.m., Smashing Pumpkins, Sea Scallops with Pumpkin with David Ross; Oct. 22 at 5:30 p.m., New Orleans Style Cook’n with Tiffany White; Oct. 24 at 5:30 p.m., Sweet Autumn Edibles with Jamie Aquino; and Oct. 30 at 5:30 p.m., Family-Inspired Italian Cooking with Catherine Herron. Registration is required. For cost and more information, visit Kitchen Engine, 621 W. Mallon Ave. (509) 328-3335.
Inland Northwest Academy After Dark Classes - Upcoming classes include: Oct. 18, 6-8 p.m., Cheese and Charcuterie Plates with chef Adam Hegsted; Oct. 19, 6-8 p.m., Cooking for One with chef/instructor Doug Fisher; Oct. 20, noon to 2 p.m., Knives and Knife Skills with chef David Hill; Oct. 20, 3:30-5:30 p.m., Mise En Place and Sauces with chef Ryan Stoy; Oct. 21, 6-8 p.m., Finishing Sauces with chef Ryan Stoy; and Nov. 1, 6-8 p.m., Holiday Cooking Made Easy with chef/instructor Curtis Smith. Registration is required. Spokane Community College, 1810 N. Greene St. $75 per class. (509) 533-3500.
Sandpoint Harvest Wine Walk - During October taste fine wines and meet local and regional winemakers at many of the downtown restaurants, bars, shops and galleries. For dates, wine specials and locations visit Free. (208) 263-2161.
Spokane Public Market - Open 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday; 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday. 24 W. Second Ave. (509) 624-1154.
“The Producers” Food Drive - Thursday-Saturday. Presented by Spokane Civic Theatre in partnership with Second Harvest Inland Northwest. Nonperishable food items will be collected at the theater box office. Make a nonperishable food item donation and get a ticket to “The Producers” for $11. Spokane Civic Theatre, 1020 N. Howard St. (509) 325-2507.
Murder in Black and White - Mystery dinner theater series. Friday and Saturday and Oct. 19-20 at 6:30 p.m. Reservations required. Cutter Theatre, 302 Park St., Metaline Falls. $25. (509) 446-4108.
Harvest Moon Auction and HalloWine Tasting - The Inland NW Business Travel Association’s annual auction and wine tasting to benefit the Northwest North Pole Adventures Spokane Fantasy Flight. Purchase tickets at Friday, 5:30-9 p.m., Red Lion Inn at the Park, 303 W. North River Drive. $45/person. (509) 325-9656.
Wine and Cheese at the Market - Presented by Rocket Market. Upcoming tastings include: Friday, Southern Italy with guest Kelly Chadwick from Palm Bay Importing, eight wines, $20 plus tax; Oct. 19, Big Red Throwdown – Cali v. Wa State, eight wines from Washington and California, $25 plus tax; Oct. 26, Dessert Wine, Bubbly and Chocolate, eight wines and chocolate, $25 plus tax. All tastings start at 7 p.m. and include cheese and La Brea bread. Reservations requested. 7 p.m., Rocket Market, 726 E. 43rd Ave. (509) 343-2253.
Apple Festival - Every weekend through Oct. 28. Featuring a large variety of cooking apples, fresh pressed cider, live music, crafts, corn and straw mazes, food and more. Visit for map of growers. Green Bluff.
Wine Tasting - Featuring wines from Mission Mountain Winery, Dayton, Mont. Benefits Bethlehem Lutheran Church. Saturday, 1-5 p.m., Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 2715 S. Ray St. $12/person, $20/couple, cash or checks only. (509) 939-9672.
Shuck for the Cure - Enjoy oysters and an extensive seafood buffet, local wine tasting, music, silent auction, raffle drawings, competitions among Spokane’s finest restaurants and more while raising money for Cancer Patient Care. Advanced ticket purchase required. For more information go to Saturday, 5-10 p.m., C.I. Shenanigans, 332 N. Spokane Falls Court. $100. (509) 455-6690.
March of Dimes Signature Chefs Auction - Annual event featuring Spokane chefs sampling their best dishes along with silent and live auctions. The event raises funds to support the March of Dimes efforts to reduce birth defects, prematurity and infant mortality. Dress is cocktail attire. For more information, visit washington. Saturday, 6 p.m., Red Lion Inn at the Park, 303 W. North River Drive. $100/person. (509) 328-1920.
A Little Night Music - Benefits the Women’s and Children’s Free Restaurant with live music by the Sammy Eubanks band, live and silent auctions, culinary specialties created by chefs from Wild Sage, Manito Tap House, Clover, The Main Market Co-Op and Seasons of Coeur d’Alene. Saturday, 6 p.m., Lincoln Center, 1316 N. Lincoln St. $60/person. (509) 324-1995.
Take Action Against Hate Dinner - The Gonzaga University Institute for Hate Studies will honor Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations and the Rev. Percy “Happy” Watkins, at its fourth annual Take Action Against Hate banquet. Doors open at 5:45 p.m., followed by dinner at 6:30 p.m.; the formal program starts at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Gonzaga University, Cataldo Hall Globe Room, 502 E. Boone Ave. $50/person, $400/table of eight. (509) 313-3665.
“Gimme Green” and “No Impact Man”- Double feature Food for Thought Film Series sponsored by Moscow Food Co-op. “Gimme Green” is a humorous look at the American obsession with the residential lawn and the effects it has on our environment, our wallets and our outlook on life. For more information, visit Oct. 17, 7 p.m., Kenworthy Performing Arts Centre, 508 S. Main St., Moscow. $6. (208) 882-8537.
OctoBrewfest - Annual event to benefit the Inland Northwest Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Microbrews, silent and live auctions, wine, gourmet soda. Food is available for purchase from Azars and David’s Pizza. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Age 21 and older. Tickets available at all TicketsWest outlets, by phone or at Yokes’s Fresh Markets. Oct. 20, Spokane County Fair and Expo Center, 404 N. Havana St., Spokane Valley. $13/advance, $15/door. (509) 482-2022.
The Pumpkin Ball - Ninth annual event. An evening benefiting The Sacred Heart Children’s Hospital and the Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery. Wear your best black-tie attire for high-end live and silent auctions, gourmet dining, outstanding entertainment and a live pumpkin carving contest. Oct. 20, 5:30 p.m., Spokane Convention Center, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. $150. (509) 474-2819.
Cooking Classes at Jacklin - Oct. 23, Oktoberfest with Bob Black; Nov. 19, Bob Black Gourmet Thanksgiving; Dec. 3, Classic French Sauces with Laurent Zirotti (sold out). All classes are from 5:30-8 p.m. Beer and wine is included in the cost of the class. Registration required. Jacklin Arts and Cultural Center, 405 N. William St., Post Falls. $50 per class. (208) 457-8950.
Learn to Cook with a Master Chef Series - Cooking classes with master chef Steve W. Geving. 2012 season includes: Oct. 24, Magical Mexico - Beach Resort Cuisine; Nov. 21, Hearty Soups from the American Heartland; and Dec. 19, The Ultimate Holiday Dinner Party. All classes held from 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Registration is required. Blanchard Community Center, 685 Rusho Lane, Blanchard, Idaho. $25 per class. (208) 437-1037.
Hope House Celebrity Fashion Show & Luncheon - 14th annual event to provide shelter and refuge to vulnerable Spokane women. 11 a.m., wine tasting and auction; luncheon and fashion show at noon. Models include Cheryl Simpkins, Mike Yates, Ozzie Knezovich, Rick Van Leuven, Teresa Fuller, Lori Humphrey, Jeff Humphrey, Sister Sue Orlowski, Mark Agee, Elliot Wilde, Jeff Phillips, Joyce Cameron, Robert Johnson, Brian Myers, Debi Moon, Lisa Rossi, Mike Rossi, Kim Troyer and Dr. Jeff Collins. Oct. 26, Doubletree Hotel, 322 N. Spokane Falls Blvd. $45/person, $350/table of eight. (509) 624-2378.
“Murder on the Red Carpet”- Murder mystery and dinner presented by The Lion’s Share Theatre. Reservations due by Oct. 22. Performances are: Oct. 26-28 at 6 p.m. For more information, visit Lion’s Share, 1627 N. Atlantic St. $40/person, includes dinner and show. (509) 327-1113.
Huckleberry’s Tasting Events - Oct. 27, Red Blends, five wines for $5; Nov. 3, Wines for the Holiday Table, five wines for $5; Nov. 10, Locati Cellars, five wines for $5. All events run from 2-4 p.m., Huckleberry’s Natural Market, 926 S. Monroe St. (509) 624-1349.
RYPtoberfest - Beer, music, food and charity. Meet Super Bowl XXVI MVP Mark Rypien, who will be in traditional German clothing, throwing footballs and singing with the band. Benefits the Rypien Foundation, which helps children with cancer and their families; and the Inland Northwest Honor Flight, which flies WWII veterans to Washington, D.C. to see the memorial. Live entertainment with German music by The Polkatones. Oct. 27, 4 p.m., Sullivan Scoreboard, 205 N. Sullivan Road, Spokane Valley. $30/door includes beer stein, two beer tokens and one food token; $55/door includes beer stein and all-you-can-eat and drink. (509) 362-1781.
Oktoberfest Twilight Masquerade - Annual EWU Library’s fundraiser. Auctioneer will be Austin Booker, with wine and beer provided by Latah Creek Winery, Walla Walla Vintners, No-Li Brewhouse and Golden Hills Brewery. All proceeds go to the EWU Library’s Collection Endowment Fund to purchase books, journals, and electronic resources for students, faculty, staff and the EWU community at large. Oct. 27, 5 p.m., Eastern Washington University, JFK Library, 816 F St., Cheney. $35/general, $15/student, $175/table of six. (509) 359-6915.
Knights of Columbus Oktoberfest - German food including sausage, sauerkraut, potato salad, green beans with bacon, and Black Forest cake. There will also be a biergarten and wine with German music. Oct. 28, 4-8 p.m., Cathedral of Lady of Lourdes, 1115 W. Riverside Ave. $9/adults, $5/children.
A Taste of Italy Dinner Fundraiser - Presented by Washington State University College of Business. Guest executive chef Andrea Trapani, head of the culinary and baking department at the Apicius International School of Hospitality in Florence, Italy, will prepare an authentic, Italian meal. College of Business hospitality students will also work alongside Trapani to prepare the meal. A selection of Northwest Tuscan-style wines will be served. Proceeds will go toward scholarships for students studying hospitality business management. Oct. 31, 5 p.m., Riverpoint Campus Phase 1 Building, Todd Addition 268, hospitality dining room. $125/person. (509) 335-7578.
Walla Walla Valley Wine Tasting and Auction - 31st annual event with food by Antonio and silent and live auction items. Nov. 2, 6 p.m., Marcus Whitman Hotel, 6 W. Rose Street, Walla Walla. $100/person $190/couple. 1-866-904-7721, ext. 8016.
34th Annual Tri-Cities Wine Festival - Oldest wine festival in Washington state in the heart of wine country. Enjoy wine, food, microbrews and hard ciders. There will also be a silent auction. Nov. 3, 7-10 p.m., Three Rivers Convention Center, 7016 W. Grandridge Blvd., Kennewick, Wash. $55/ticket. (509) 737-3706.