Can’t $2 million buy more wins?
At the beginning of the season, WSU tackled everything but the cheerleaders, i.e. the USC game. It has gone downhill from there.
In the Oregon and Arizona State games, the defense could not shoulder/arm-tackle a hot dog concessionaire. Even the announcers made light of the inability to tackle.
Arm tackling is ineffective and should be addressed. That is a coaching problem. One would assume our $2 million coach should have a resolution to the problem.
It appears that athletic director Bill Moos has new-found media wealth and is building the finest football facility, luxury suites and heated alumni seats. But WSU lacks one thing – a competitive team. Again, a coach and athletic director problem.
No matter how big the coach’s salary or fancy the stadium, no one likes to watch your team get hammered by 30-plus points again and again.
Thank you alumni. Please continue to write those checks. Two million dollars is a big bullet to bite in silence.
Larry Snyder
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