1 Spokane Braves Junior Hockey 7 p.m. today, Eagles Ice-A-Rena, 6321 N. Addison St. The Braves, of the Kootenay International Junior Hockey League, play their first home game of the season against Beaver Valley. They host Grand Forks at 2 p.m. Sunday. www.spokanebraves.com/. Admission: $5 adults, $4 seniors and students; free for youth hockey players with a paid adult if wearing their team jersey or coat
2 Art! on Broadway
10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, Shear Illusion Salon, 807 N. Argonne Road, Spokane Valley. Third annual event with fine art, live music by Maxie Ray Mills, wine and beer garden by Vintage Vines, with a portion of the proceeds going to S.C.R.A.P.S., food truck by Ben’s Yogurt and Deli, featuring his most popular menu items – gourmet hot dogs and ice cream. (509) 999-3583. Admission: FREE
3 Saturday Morning Jams 10-11 a.m. Saturday, Indaba Coffee, 1425 W. Broadway Ave. Live music from classical guitarist Paul Abner and visual art from Kid.K. (509) 443-3566. Admission: FREE
4 “A Dancer’s Dream: Two Works by Stravinsky” 3 p.m. Saturday, Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague Ave. This one-of-a-kind cinema event features the complete production, behind-the-scenes footage, as well as a brief intermission feature on Stravinsky’s history with the New York Philharmonic, with video and other never-before-seen material from the New York Philharmonic Digital Archives. (800) 325-SEAT. Admission: $10
5 Richard Strauch Faculty Trombone Recital 3 p.m. Sunday, Whitworth University, Music Building Recital Hall, 300 W. Hawthorne Road. Strauch, an associate professor of music at Whitworth and second trombone in the Spokane Symphony Orchestra, will perform a faculty recital. Strauch also is director of the Whitworth Wind Symphony and teaches applied low brass and courses in music history and conducting. (509) 777-3290. Admission: FREE
6 Interplayers Sneak-Peek Backstage Tour and Excess Prop Sale 4 p.m. Sunday, Interplayers Theatre, 174 S. Howard St. Sneak preview of the set for “Brighton Beach Memoirs” while the crew adds the finishing touches. Enjoy free popcorn and free lemonade, or visit the Bistro while staff and volunteers show off the improvements to the building – wardrobe, shop, rehearsal stage, and props inventory. You can shop in the “excess prop shop” on tour day (wedding dresses, artifacts, art, books, etc.). (509) 455-7529. Admission: FREE
7 J. A. Jance 7 p.m. Monday, Auntie’s Bookstore, 402 W. Main Ave. Seattle-based New York Times bestselling author of the J.P. Beaumont series, the Joanna Brady series, the Ali Reynolds series, and four interrelated thrillers about the Walker family. She presents her latest Beaumont novel, “Second Watch,” as well as her poetry book, “After the Fire: A Memoir in Poetry and Prose.” Admission: FREE
8 Orion Weiss Piano Master Class 3:30 p.m. Monday, University of Idaho, Lionel Hampton School of Music, Haddock Performance Hall, 1010 Blake Ave., Moscow. The young piano soloist gives a master class in advance of his Tuesday performance in the Auditorium Chamber Music Series. (208) 885-6231. Admission: FREE
9 Spokane Poetry Slam 9 p.m. Sunday, Lantern Tap House, 1004 S. Perry St. Poets have three minutes to present original work without costumes, props or musical accompaniment. Judges chosen at random from the audience score the poem, and the highest cumulative score after two rounds of poetry wins the $50 grand prize. This is loud and raucous, and audience participation is highly encouraged. Age 21 and older. Content is not censored, discretion is advised. (509) 315-9531. Admission: $5 to compete or watch
!0 An Old Fashioned Sunday in Autumn 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday, Artisans at Dahmen Barn, Highway 195, 419 Park Way, Uniontown, Wash. Seventh annual fall event for people of all ages. Featuring antique tractor and model gas engine displays, historical movies of farming on the Palouse, a “name the antique” contest, annual apple pie baking contest, live music by the Snake River Six, quilt exhibit, and – new this year – a kids’ corner with fun activities for youngsters. (509) 299-3414. Admission: FREE