Annie’s Mailbox: Self-confidence trumps stature
Dear Annie: You gave great advice to “Too Small,” the teenage boy who is worried that his short stature means he will never have a girlfriend.
I recommend he check his hygiene, making sure it’s impeccable. He also should make sure his clothes are neat, clean and pressed and learn some communication skills so he’s an excellent conversationalist and a great listener. I’d suggest he develop some varied interests and make education a priority. It’s personally appealing and something you do for yourself that no one can take away from you. Self-confidence is extremely sexy! Last but not least, he should learn to dance. Yes, really! Girls of all ages love to dance. The guy who can dance is the hit of every gathering. The grumps are sitting on the sidelines. Ultimately, a well-rounded person is a woman’s dream date. – B.
Dear B.: We were surprised by the number of readers who suggested he learn to dance as a way to be irresistible to women. Read on for more encouragement:
From New York: My older son has been short all of his life, but has excelled in everything he has done. Today, at 32, he is 5-foot-4, married with three boys, a youth minister and full of life. What you do with your life is more important than your stature.
Redondo Beach, Calif.: Suggest that he Google one of the most famous Marines in our history: Lt. General Victor Krulak. Though 5-foot-4 and 116 pounds, Krulak’s nickname was “Brute.” He fought in WWII, Korea and Vietnam and was one of the most decorated Marines in the history of the Corps. I knew a Marine with a chest full of medals. His name was Bill, and he was about 5-foot-6. I’m 6-foot, but when I stood near Col. Bill, I felt like he was 7 feet tall.