First Day hikes at state parks
OUTDO – Get the new year off on the right foot, and the left one, too, by heading out for a New Years Day hike on foot or snowshoes.
Go alone, with a friend, the family, or join one of the groups organized for the First Day Hikes at some state parks across the country.
Jan. 1 hikes are set at 28 state parks in Washington and one park in Idaho – Hells Gate near Lewiston – as part of the fourth annual event organized by the National Association of State Park Directors.
First Day Hikes originated more than 20 years ago at the Blue Hills Reservation – a state park in Milton, Massachusetts.
Last year was the first year for a First Day snowshoe hike at Mount Spokane State Park.
“We had two leaders, but only one other hiker showed up,” said co-organizer Holly Weiler of the Spokane Mountaineers. “We gave that guy the best grand tour, though,” she added. “And this year we already have 31 people signed up.”
First Day Hikes at parks in this region include:
• Mount Spokane State Park, snowshoeing 4 miles, moderate. Meet at 10 a.m. at the snowmobile parking lot. Sno-Park Permit required. Sign up on Facebook: First Day Snowshoe.
• Riverside State Park, hiking (or snowshoeing) 2 miles, easy. Meet at 1 p.m. at Bowl and Pitcher swinging bridge parking lot. Washington Discover Pass required.
Details about each state’s hikes, including locations, length and starting times are online at
Audubon Christmas counts find unusual bird sightings
OUTSEE – Records kept for decades by teams out for the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count offer insight into the lure of birding: There’s always something new or rare to discover.
The Dec. 14 count led by the Coeur d’Alene Audubon Society found these notable highlights compiled by Shirley Sturts:
• Greater scaup, 1 – First time on the CdA count.
• Eared grebe, 1 – Only the fourth time on the count.
• Bald eagle, 12, Red-tailed hawk, 50, and Rough-legged hawk, 25 – All the highest number on record.
• Lesser-black-backed gull, 1 – First time on the count.
• Eurasian collared-dove, 128 – A non-native species that continues to increase in numbers each year was first added to the count in 2009 when six were counted.
• Anna’s hummingbird, 2 – First time on the count. One female and one immature were seen at a feeder.
• Spotted towhee, 1 – Most leave for the winter.
• White-throated sparrow – First time on our count; rare for North Idaho.
The Spokane Audubon Society count is set for Dec. 28. Sign up with Alan McCoy, 448-3123, email