Annie’s Mailbox: Spread the word, some prefer margarine
Dear Annie: When I go out to eat for breakfast, the restaurants always have artificial sweetener for your coffee and often nondairy creamer. What I do not find is a nondairy substitute for butter. Many of us would rather not eat butter. Please spread this message so stores and restaurants will see it and offer this item. – Nondairy in Wisconsin
Dear Nondairy: Most places will provide margarine if you request it. If you want something else (soy butter, et al), you will have a harder time. If you patronize the same places often and ask each time, they may begin to offer these items. Try it.
Dear Annie: When I was growing up, good table manners were a necessity. As my children became older, sometimes they would regress, and I found a foolproof method that worked for us. I bought a small standup mirror and put it in front of them at the table. One day my daughter came home from school and commented on a girl at her lunch table who ate with her mouth open. They still have beautiful manners. – Kentucky Great-Grandmother