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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Idaho records

Police blotter

Kootenai County sheriff

Theodore Reynolds, Hayden, reported Monday the $935 theft of two handguns, cash and jewelry from his home on the 8000 block of North Marabou Drive.

News of record

Kootenai County

Criminal sentencings

Judge Patrick McFadden

James R. Crews Banta, 57, Rathdrum; inattentive/careless driving; $300 fine, $300 reimbursement for prosecution, restitution to be determined, 90 days in jail (88 days suspended) or 16 hours county work program, two years probation.

Judge Scott Wayman

Jeremy S. Brandis, 40, Coeur d’Alene; misdemeanor probation violation; 19 days in jail.

Michael V. Forrester, 53, Bayview; Count I: driving without privileges; $250 fine, 30 days in jail or 24 hours county work program. Count II: failure to provide proof of insurance; $250 fine, 30 days in jail or 24 hours county work program.

Judge Anna Eckhart

Joshua J. Kruse, 31, Rathdrum; misdemeanor probation violation; 180 days in jail or proof of evaluation and completion of recommended treatment.

Edward J. Villa, 36, Coeur d’Alene; driving under the influence; $1,000 fine ($200 suspended), 180 days in jail (176 days suspended) or eight hours county work program, 90 days driver’s license suspension, two years probation.

Judge Benjamin Simpson

Rick D. Greensky, 57, Coeur d’Alene; misdemeanor probation violation; 30 days in jail (five days credited).

Civil complaints

Midland Funding LLC v. Jessica Stallingswhit, seeking $10,471.

Midland Funding LLC v. Cynthia Raynor, seeking $11,075.

Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC v. Ira Smith, seeking $1,350.

Sherlene Mendoza, Enrique Mendoza Jr., Duane Reed and Velma Reed v. Earl Combs and Saundra Combs, aka Soni Combs, seeking $3,156,401.

Automated Accounts Inc. v. Kyle Lindley and Cheryl Lindley, seeking $2,066.

Midland Funding LLC v. Robert Stewart, seeking $4,855.

Midland Funding LLC v. Benajah Tillman, seeking $5,983.

Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC v. Dawn Pollard, seeking $2,370.

Midland Funding LLC v. Tony Zimprich, seeking $6,001.

Midland Funding LLC v. Neal Bishop, seeking $1,082.

Midland Funding LLC v. Cassandra Carrigan, seeking $6,812.

Midland Funding LLC v. John Carman, seeking $4,645.

Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC v. Elise Luff, seeking $1,681.

Midland Funding LLC v. Kelly Hockett, seeking $1,427.

JR Limited v. John Valentine, seeking $8,500.

Midland Funding LLC v. Todd Walker, seeking $20,223.

Midland Funding LLC v. Terry Vinson, seeking $1,322.

Peterson Enterprises, dba Valley Empire Collection v. Mindi Behrens, seeking $2,542.

Peterson Enterprises, dba Valley Empire Collection v. Jennifer Creed, seeking $1,489.

Peterson Enterprises, dba Valley Empire Collection v. Travis Brant, seeking $2,753.

Xpress Collectors Agency LLC v. Connie Collins and William Collins, seeking $5,988.

Stellar Recovery Inc. v. Dannica Wallace, seeking $1,400.

Rick Ridgeway v. Jeffery Wilson and Kathleen Wilson, seeking $5,000.

Midland Funding LLC v. Eldon Samuel, seeking $3,053.

Melissa Garland v. Windermere Coeur d’Alene Real Estate, Don Smock, Midge Smock and Pat Krug, seeking $5,000.

Automated Accounts Inc v. Steven Skinner, seeking $3,556.

Midland Funding LLC v. Larry Schnabel, seeking $3,991.

Midland Funding LLC v. Christopher Trotter, seeking $16,706.

CACH LLC v. Michael Turbes, seeking $1,943.

Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC v. Brian Peart, seeking $4,830.

Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC v. Christopher Gutierrez, seeking $3,611.

Midland Funding LLC v. Larry Griffiths, seeking $3,379.

Civil judgments

Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Hayley Mehringer, plaintiff awarded $2,025.

North Idaho Credit Corp. v. Shane Zimmer, plaintiff awarded $1,541.

Capital One Bank v. Laura Christiansen, plaintiff awarded $2,589.

Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC v. James Lawrence, plaintiff awarded $26,412.

Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC v. Kelly Brannam, plaintiff awarded $2,045.

Peterson Enterprises Inc., dba Valley Empire Collection v. Douglas Balbas Jr. and Pamela Lane, plaintiff awarded $1,983.

Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Robert and Sara Bennett, plaintiff awarded $2,485.

Peterson Enterprises, dba Valley Empire Collection v. Heather Jensen, plaintiff awarded $1,017.

Midland Funding LLC v. Ethan Salisbury, plaintiff awarded $4,439.

Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Frank Heilman, plaintiff awarded $2,261.

Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Rowena and Troy Gilligan, plaintiff awarded $2,734.

Midland Funding LLC v. Kyle Holehan, plaintiff awarded $1,316.

Mountain West Bank v. Bryan Queen and Kali Queen, plaintiff awarded $1,028.

Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC v. Laura Shepler, plaintiff awarded $1,700.

Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Alyssa Watson Dahl, plaintiff awarded $1,625.

North Idaho Credit Corp. v. Danielle Whitley, plaintiff awarded $10,110.

Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Tanner Grimm, plaintiff awarded $1,876.

Civil dismissals

Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Courtney Bauer.

Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Lisa Sheldon.

Divorces sought

Rachel D. Nuesmeyer from Frederick W. Nuesmeyer III.

Laurie S. Cey from Douglas B. Cey.

Divorces granted

Michael F. Wendland from Thora K. Wendland.

Michael D. Markus from Shawn R. Markus.

Shari D. Hardaway from Stephen E. Hardaway.

Staci D. Armes from David A. Armes.

Kelli Klawitter from Justin Klawitter.

Rebecca H. Cooley from Byron L. Cooley.