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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Feedback: What’s your preferred activity on Black Friday?

We asked our Facebook friends for their favorite ways to spend the day after Thanksgiving? Here’s what they said:

Chris Melsha

Not shopping

April LaMont

Shopping, eating leftover turkey day sandwiches and putting up Christmas decorations!

Craig Romano

Long walk, hike or run with my wife

Ashton Coe Preuninger

Playing games with family

Bill Schuster


Jennifer Lee

Tradition is to get up early with my daughter and go get coffee and breakfast. Then we do some power shopping followed by leftovers for lunch with my mom. Then we finish the day with a long nap.

Jon Oglesby

Boxing up all the clothes that I can no longer fit into without the help of an oversized shoehorn!

Becca Knight

Decorating for Christmas and making presents for friends and family.

Kim Lesky

Ringing bell for Salvation Army and greeting all the shoppers

Elizabeth Kansanback

Watching The Macy’s Thanksgiving day parade and spending time with my family.

Conrad Kovash

Working of course! Boss might be reading this.

Carla Gribi

Making turkey soup

Jackie Whitney

Steelhead fishing

Carolyn Cook Knox

Packing for a trip to Hawaii

Rae Presnell

Eating leftovers and playing poker with the family.

Kiri Lehman Alldredge

Christmas tree hunting with the whole family!

Robbi Price

In pajamas, eating leftovers and playing board games all day.

Kenneth C. Assmus

Going archery deer hunting!

Sandra Gibson

Watching football

Florene Eickmeyer Moore

Working on Christmas letter

Steve Singer

Working at double time and a half.

Theresa Schimmels

Baking Christmas cookies and candy!

Charles Grogan

Going out for coffee and hot chocolate with my family and doing a little shopping. The Lewiston-Clarkston Valley is a nice place to shop after the early morning crowds thin out.

Irene Johnson

Relaxing, eating leftovers and maybe thrift store shopping!

Brian Babcock

Do anything but shop