Feedback: Riverfront Park upgrade
Riverfront Park upgrade draws yeas, nays

Barbara Martinez
Riverfront Park is an important place in Spokane for the community for many reasons, I support this! Although I must say I wish we could pass a $60 million dollar bond to get our streets fixed! Seems like every day there is new construction on our roads yet they’re always in such poor condition …
Laura Elizabeth Wagner
Yes!!!!! Worth it for sure … we need to maintain what we have and offer more points of interest to our city. A zoo and aquarium would be awesome too. … nice to go to Seattle for those things but would be nice to not have to drive four hours for a day outing.
Dustin Wozny
I’m voting no. I’m not in for raising taxes for this.
Nina Rudd
The changes made in the ’70s made a world of difference for Spokane, time to update for our grandkids.
Brian Rolshoven
Typical thinking – 60 million for a park and still short a parking lot.
Nichole Burrell-Crosby
I’m absolutely for it! Sadly, I’m familiar with the voting history in Spokane and I will be pleasantly shocked if the citizens approve it.
Dan Matthews
On your map, how about a different shade color for anyplace we can park our cars without fees. That’s the info that’ll affect my vote.
Heather Smith
I’m disturbed by how much lip service the town gives to a landscape architect … Olmsted, and that they didn’t hire landscape architects for this design. Landscape architects design parks … I am trying to see some sort of cohesiveness in this design but can’t find it. Landscape architects designed Central Park, Prospect Park, Manito, and Olmsted’s son was a big proponent of Spokane’s Riverfront Park. If you are going to spend that much money it needs to be a gem … we can do better.
Mark Steward
I’m for it! If we are going to compete with other cities to attract businesses we need to invest in our infrastructure. Let’s make Spokane an even more wonderful city to work, live and play! Vote yes and yes!
Andrew Bodenstein
Absolutely yes. No tax rise for this!! This only refinances existing stuff so rates stay the same! I feel like not enough people understand that. Oh and there’s also a big bill for the roads coming up too so people screaming about the roads can be happy too. Yes yes and once again yes.
David Tremblay
No. There’s way more important things to spend money on.
Cary Huether
This will bring needed tourist dollars to the area and make downtown livelier and safer. I’m for it.
ChazBetz Bowman
The streets in this city and infrastructure could use a major overhauling. $60 million spent on that would make way more sense. I’ll be voting a big NO! When will these city leaders realize there’s more to it than Riverfront Park and downtown.
Judy Thomas
I’m sure there is $$ set aside for some of these projects, but not enough. … 60 mil would go a long ways building railroad over or underpasses, or sidewalks for the kids to walk down to get to school so they don’t have to fight the snow and traffic. Or how about more help for low income or the homeless? But no, we want green grass for the park or another bridge for the walkers to take their afternoon breaks, or pig out in the park or or or or. … get real, we need real solutions to real problems, not make believe land.
Blaine Matthew
I’m enthusiastically for the measure. Riverfront Park is a huge attraction for our city and is in serious need of revitalization. And the best part? Taxes will stay the exact same. No increases. I’d say that’s a win-win.
Shanna Mower
The park definitely needs an update. People keep talking about Expo ’74 and the 40th anniversary. But what’s changed in 40 years? The big red wagon? The condition of that park is sad. There is no tourist attraction here. We are doing nothing to help the city’s economy.
Joel Preuninger
I will vote yes. It doesn’t raise taxes because it replaces a bond that is expiring.
Alice Galeotti
Vote yes! Admirable use of creative financing, and the park BOND is separate from the street maintenance LEVY. I hope they both pass.
Rod Fuller
Will be over budget and behind schedule like all other such projects. A big fat NO from me.
Richard Kielbon
Yes. Of course. How small minded it would be to not. BUT I really think the design could be of higher quality. All the features seem pretty obvious and I don’t get a sense of surprise or delight. We should spend the time and effort for a world class design competition.