Week Ahead
Building an Outside the Box Business – Learn how online marketing, relationship building and social networks can help you start a new or improve an existing business. 1 p.m., Best Western Wheatland Inn, 701 N. Main St., Colfax, Wash.; and 6-7 p.m., Palouse Library, 120 E. Main St., Palouse, Wash. Free. (877) 733-3375.
QuickBooks Financial Management - Learn tips and shortcuts to get the answers to all your QuickBooks questions. A SCORE Spokane workshop. 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., 801 W. Riverside Ave., Suite 444. For more information or to register, visit www.scorespokane.org or call (509) 353-2821. $40/advance; $50/at the door; $15/per additional person from the same company.
Six Marketing Must Haves – Learn the absolute essentials for marketing your small business. 2:30-4:30 p.m., 801 W. Riverside Ave., Suite 444. For more information or to register, visit www.scorespokane.org or call (509) 353-2821. $40/advance; $50/at the door; $15/per additional person from the same company.
Budgeting 101 - Want to learn more about managing your money? Attend this free workshop led by STCU experts and learn how to make a budgeting plan that’s simple, reasonable and effective. 6 p.m., Moran Prairie Library, 6004 S. Regal St. For more information, visit https://stcu.org /workshops.html or call (509) 344-2202.
Spokane AFWA Meeting - Accounting and Financial Women’s Alliance presents “Developing and Executing a Strategic Plan.” Make reservations by Monday at noon at reservations@afwa4.org. 5:30-8 p.m., The Lincoln Center, 1316 N. Lincoln St. $22/members; $27/nonmembers; $15/students.
Organize Your Finances - Attend this free workshop led by STCU experts and learn how to develop an efficient bill-paying system, which records to keep and for how long, what to keep handy in case of disaster, and where to go for help. 6 p.m., North Spokane Library, 44 E. Hawthorne Road. For more information, visit https://stcu.org /workshops.html or call (509) 344-2202.
Financial Fair - Featuring information booths from local financial institutions, Get $mart Idaho, the North Idaho College Office of Finance and Business Affairs, and others with ideas for improving your personal finances. There will also be presentations on financial planning, crafts for children, refreshments, and a drawing for a gift basket. 11 a.m.-4 p.m., Coeur d’Alene Public Library, 702 E. Front Ave., Coeur d’Alene. Free. (208) 769-2315.
Evergreen Region Volleyball Association Tournament – Today, Spokane Convention Center, 5,000 attendees.
World Wide Group Spring Leadership – Today and Monday, Spokane Arena, 8,000 attendees.
Eastern Washington University Press Get Lit! – Monday-April 26, Bing Crosby Theater, 5,000 attendees.
Washington Career and Technical Sports Medicine Association Spring Competition and Symposium – Thursday-April 26, Spokane Convention Center, 800 attendees.
AgChat Foundation Annual Pacific Northwest Regional Conference – Thursday and Friday, Northern Quest Resort & Casino, 100 attendees.
United States Chess Federation Washington State Elementary Chess Championships – Friday and Saturday, Spokane Convention Center, 7,000 attendees.
Pacific Northwest Conference of the United Church of Christ Annual Meeting – Friday-April 26, Spokane Convention Center, 300 attendees.
Custer Enterprises 40th Annual Spring Antique Show and Sale – Friday-April 26, Spokane County Fair & Expo Center, 6,000 attendees.