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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Religion calendar

Eastern Washington This Week

24th Annual Auction & Dinner Fundraiser for Youth Camping & Activities - Items preview 4:30-5 p.m. Dinner served 5-6 p.m. and consists of creamy baked spaghetti, green salad and garlic bread. Silent auction throughout the evening and loud auction begins at 6 p.m. Free child care provided beginning at 6 p.m. Supports sending kids to camp. Today, Valley United Methodist Church, 115 N. Raymond Road, Spokane Valley. Dinner: $10/adults, $5/age 10 and younger. (509) 924-7262.

Christian Singles Fellowship - Speaker John Gruss will discuss “The Price is Right: God’s Free Gift of Salvation.” CSF is a nondenominational, area-wide singles group. For more information, call (509) 927-0304 or go to Today, 7 p.m., North Addison Baptist Church, 6120 N. Addison St. (509) 927-0304.

Making Sense of the Christian Faith - Are you comfortable explaining the Christian faith to others? Come and take part in a five-part series led by Pastor Kate and Pastor Eric. They will be using material by theologian David Lose. Sunday, 9:45 a.m., St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, 316 E. 24th Ave. (509) 747-6677.

“Salt & Light” Youth Choir - Choir from Boulder, Colorado, will present their “Soli Deo” concert. For more information, call (509) 448-2909. Sunday, 4 p.m., Hamblen Park Presbyterian Church, 4102 S. Crestline St. Free. (509) 448-2909.

Mary, Model of Perfect Discipleship - This day of prayer will be led by the Rev. Jeff Lewis, who will explore the Gospel scenes of the annunciation, the visitation and the Nativity. Through this exploration, participants will learn from Mary how to recognize God’s will and how to cooperate with the grace of God to bring that will to fulfillment in life. The day begins with a rosary at 9 a.m., includes two conferences, lunch, the sacrament of reconciliation, Mass and closes with adoration. Register in advance by calling (509) 448-1224 or visiting Wednesday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Immaculate Heart Retreat Center, 6910 S. Ben Burr Road. $35/includes lunch, $45/includes use of a private room for the day. (509) 448-1224.

Lenten Soup Supper & Devotion - The devotion “I Am the Resurrection and the Life,” presented by the Rev. Barbara Caviezel, is based on the book by Rob Fuquay called “The God We Can Know: Exploring the ‘I Am’ Sayings of Jesus.” After the soup supper, there will be age-appropriate activities for children and teens. Nursery is available. For more information, call (509) 448-7102. Wednesday, 6-7:45 p.m., Moran United Methodist Church, 3601 E. 65th Ave. (509) 448-7102.

The Untethered Soul - Learn how our spirituality allows us to be the complete and free souls we are all yearning to be in this four-week class. Call (509) 838-6518 or visit for more information. Wednesday, 6:30 p.m., Unity Spiritual Center, 2900 S. Bernard St. (509) 389-7290.

Midweek Lenten Soup Suppers and Services - Soup supper at 5:45 p.m. and the Lenten midweek service at 7 p.m. Thursday, Central Lutheran Church, 512 S. Bernard St. (509) 624-9233.

Lenten Fish Fry - Hosted by the Knights of Columbus. The meal of baked or fried fish, french fries or baked potato, clam chowder or soup of the week bread bowls, cole slaw, rolls and garlic bread will be served from 5:30 to 6:45 p.m. every Friday in Lent. The Stations of the Cross follows at 7 p.m. The church will also be collecting donations of diapers, baby clothes and other items for the Catholic Charities Childbirth and Parenting Assistance program. Friday, 5:30 p.m., St. Mary’s Catholic Church, 304 S. Adams Road, Spokane Valley. Donations accepted at the door. (509) 928-3210.


Author Presentation and Book Signing - Jan Foland, retired Spokane teacher and founder of Off Broadway Family Outreach in the West Central area of Spokane, is the author of “Tork’s Hope Journey.” Therese Marszalek is the author of recently released “40 Days,” “40 Days Devotional Journal” and four other inspirational books that will also be available. The Father’s LoveLine, a heavenly greeting card line with sketches by Jan Foland, will also be on display. A book signing and open house will follow the presentations. March 28, 11 a.m., Kaufer’s Religious Supplies, 907 W. Boone Ave., Spokane. (509) 326-7073.

Spaghetti Feed and Bluegrass Concert - Music by the Mountain Dew Boys. A silent auction will also take place. Proceeds benefit church member Savannah, who has been battling cancer for the last four years. For more information, call (509) 979-2607. March 28, 5:30-7 p.m., Greenbluff Community United Methodist Church, 9908 E. Green Bluff Road. $10/adults, $5/ages 5-12, free/4 and younger. (509) 238-9100.

Easter for Kids - Fun-filled family affair primarily for children ages 3-12, centered around the Easter story. Crafts, music, learning activities, Easter video, the Easter story and a special Easter egg hunt to follow. Free lunch is included. Preregister online at or by phone. March 28, 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m., St. Matthew Lutheran Church, 6905 N. Country Homes Blvd. Free. (509) 326-3766.

Palm Sunday Service - March 29, 10:30 a.m., Westminster Congregational Church of Christ, 411 S. Washington St. (509) 624-1366.

Palm Sunday - 10:30 a.m. March 29. Opportunity Christian, 708 N. Pines Road, Spokane Valley. (509) 926-3691.

Free Your Mind: Change Your Life through PSYCH-K - Based on the work of Bruce Lipton, author of “Biology of Belief.” Lipton states that our subconscious beliefs drive our lives most of the time. This workshop introduces the PSYCH-K process, which will enable you to change your limiting subconscious beliefs and improve your life. Presented by Karen Johnson, a certified PSYCH-K instructor. March 29, 1 p.m., Unity Center, 4123 E. Lincoln Road. Free. (509) 939-1233.

Taize Evening Prayer Service - All are welcome to attend this hour of contemplative prayer and song. For more information, call (509) 448-9736. March 29, 7-8 p.m., Immaculate Heart Retreat Center, 6910 S. Ben Burr Road. (509) 448-1224.

Going to the Heart of Jesus: An Observatory - Bishop William Skylstad will lead this Holy Week retreat for women. From the heart of Jesus, we know of His love; with the lens of faith we view the Kingdom of God. We reflect the light of Christ’s love, and in this world of cross and joy, we search out ever more fully the meaning of the Divine Presence. March 30-April 1, Immaculate Heart Retreat Center, 6910 S. Ben Burr Road. $115/commuters, $195 per person. (509) 448-1224.

Meditations with Art - All are welcome. Call (509) 624-1366 for more information. March 30, noon-1 p.m., Westminster Congregational Church of Christ, 411 S. Washington St. (509) 624-1366.

Going to the Heart of Jesus: An Observatory - Bishop William Skylstad will lead this Holy Week retreat for men. April 2-4, Immaculate Heart Retreat Center, 6910 S. Ben Burr Road. (509) 448-1224.

Journey to the Cross - April 2-5. Eighth annual outdoor walk-through event on Easter weekend. You won’t just hear the Easter story, you’ll be in it as you are surrounded by a cast of 250. Thursday at 7 p.m., Friday from 6-9 p.m., Saturday and Sunday from 4-9 p.m. April 2, Spokane Valley Adventist Church, 1603 S. Sullivan Road, Spokane Valley. Free. (509) 926-5866.

Maundy Thursday Service - April 2, 5:30 p.m., Westminster Congregational Church of Christ, 411 S. Washington St. (509) 624-1366.

Maundy Thursday - Opportunity Christian and Veradale United Church of Christ are partnering together for a Seder meal followed by a Tenebrae service. April 2, 6 p.m., Veradale United Church of Christ, 611 N. Progress Road, Spokane Valley.

Idaho This Week

Lenten Group Study Classes/Soup Suppers - Lenten group study based on the teachings of John Wesley. Classes are Sundays at 9 a.m. and Thursdays at 8 a.m. Wednesday night soup suppers at 6 p.m. followed by the group study at 6:45 p.m. Through April 2. Community United Methodist Church, 1470 W. Hanley Ave., Coeur d’Alene. (208) 765-8800.

The Annunciation: Listening with the Artists - Explore the spirituality of the annunciation through artists’ depictions and Mary’s invitation from God, as well as our own. We will enter more deeply into the story of God’s love and light incarnating among us. Today-Sunday, St. Gertrude’s Monastery, 465 Keuterville Road, Cottonwood, Idaho. (208) 962-3224.

Friendship Kitchen - Community meal on Thursdays, 4-5:30 p.m. Thursday, St. George’s Parish Center, 2010 N. Lucas St., Post Falls. Free. (208) 773-4715.


Men’s Saturday Breakfast - Community United Methodist Church welcomes men of all ages for fellowship and no-host breakfast on the fourth Saturday of each month. March 28, Elmer’s Restaurant, 290 W. Appleway Ave., Coeur d’Alene.

Easter Eggstravaganza - Coeur d’Alene - 11 a.m., free lunch, face painting, crafts, live music and at noon is the Egg Hunt for grade four and younger. Lots of prizes to be given away including eight bikes. April 4, Prairie Avenue Christian Center, 3639 W. Prairie Ave., Hayden. Free. (208) 772-7541.