Birth dads still fighting for bigger role in adoption process
You don’t venture far into the world of adoption before you hear the word “triad.” Picture a triangle with the adoptee at one corner, adoptive parents at another and the biological, or birth, mother at the third. But, wait – someone’s missing …
The birth father.
Too often, the birth father dangles from the birth mother’s corner. Sometimes he doesn’t even know she’s pregnant.
Adoption has evolved from the pre-WWI “taking in” of the orphan next door, to closed adoptions, to open, which became the norm in the early 1980s. “Open” ranges from exchanging annual letters to co-parenting. (We’re talking domestic adoptions here; international adoptions are usually closed.) All along, though, the biological father has been second fiddle to the birth mom.
“Until the 1970s, unmarried birth dads were not necessarily parents, legally, and their names were often left off of birth certificates or labeled ‘unknown,’ ” said Susan Appleton, a law professor at Washington University Law School in St. Louis. “The birth mom made the adoption decisions.” Several Supreme Court decisions in the ’70s recognized birth dads. Since then, state laws have elevated their status further.
Research says “open” is healthier for everyone in the triad, but a major study, the long-term, ongoing Minnesota/Texas Adoption Research Project doesn’t even mention birth dads in its “key findings.” Fiction and films continuously portray them as an afterthought, too. (You may recall the birth mom, her parents and the adoptive parents in the movie “Juno.” But, do you remember the birth dad?)
More often, today’s birth dad can parent the child or participate in the adoption decision, but the burden is still on him to prove paternity. And, the calendar works against him, said Adam Pertman, president of the National Center on Adoption & Permanency.
“The court takes so long to adjudicate the decision, the child is no longer an infant when a birth dad wins custody or visitation,” Pertman said. “Removing him at an older age is heart-rending, as we see in cases like Baby Richard.” (He refers to the highly publicized custody battle over Danny Kirchner, a young child whose adoption was revoked when his biological father, Otakar Kirchner, won custody in a case decided in 1995 by the Illinois Supreme Court. His adoptive parents had named him Richard.)
Complicating the matter is the advent of states’ putative (alleged) father registries, which vary widely. They appear pro-birth parent, giving the birth father a chance to register his paternity and contest adoption. In fact, their tight deadlines squeeze him out, say experts. And, because few people know the registries exist, the registration rate is low.
“Men say, ‘What am I supposed to do, register every time I have sex?’ ” said Kris Faasse, vice president of Bethany Christian Services, an adoption agency with offices in 36 states. “I say, ‘Ideally, yes.’ But that won’t happen.”
Now, several trends are working in the favor of biological fathers. Ninety-five percent of adoptions are open now, according to the 2012 “Openness in Adoption” report from the Donaldson Adoption Institute, based in New York. Closed-adoption triad members can find each other when the adoptee is an adult, thanks to social media, DNA-linking websites and “open records laws” that allow access to birth certificates.
One baby step at a time, the birth dad’s fate improves. Agencies such as Bethany have male social workers to talk to the dads. Advocacy groups ask school administrators to include birth father responsibilities in their sex-ed classes. Watchdog groups push for pro-birth dad laws.
“Finally, the birth dad is evolving from an obstacle (in an adoption) to a partner,” Faasse said. “More often, we see him involved in the child’s life. In the end, we all want the same thing – what’s best for the child.”
“Get a lawyer,” echoed adoption experts. Visit the American Academy of Adoption Attorneys to find one who knows adoption law. In addition, follow these tips from the trenches: