Voters, tell us what’s on your mind this election season
Eastern Washington voters, The Spokesman-Review wants to know what’s on your mind.
In no more than 200 words, tell us about the goals and concerns that will shape the way you vote this year. We plan to publish a diverse, representative sampling of our readers’ comments.
Our focus: The 5th Congressional District.
Why? The 5th is home to all the viewpoints that comprise the nation’s current political divide.
For 30 years, the 5th elected a progressive Democrat, Tom Foley, who rose to speaker of the House. After ousting him, for 22 years it has elected Republicans: George Nethercutt, and now Cathy McMorris Rodgers. This year, McMorris Rodgers faces Democrat Joe Pakootas.
Along with your 200 words, include a sentence about your age, career and a hobby or two. At the end we require (not for publication) your daytime phone number and mailing address. Attach a recent photo of yourself. Send this by email to 5thDistrictVoting@gmail. com.
The deadline for submission is noon on Wednesday, Oct. 5.