Week Ahead
Freedom Force Red Pill Expo Conference - Freedom Force International, through Tuesday, Spokane Convention Center, 100 attendees.
AWSP/WASA Summer Conference - Association of Washington School Principals/WASA, through Wednesday, Spokane Convention Center, 1,000 attendees.
USCAN Annual Meeting - US Climate Action Network, through Friday, Gonzaga University, 200 attendees.
USA Judo Junior Olympic National and International Championships - United States Judo Association, Sunday, Spokane Convention Center, 1,750 attendees.
Ironman USA Coeur d’Alene - Ironman USA Coeur d’Alene, Sunday, Coeur d’Alene, 2,800 attendees.
Western Wood Preservers Institute Summer Meeting - Western Wood Preservers Institute, Sunday-Tuesday, The Davenport Hotel, 70 attendees.
Quarterly Board Meeting - American State Transit Insurance Pool, Wednesday-Thursday, The Davenport Hotel, 50 attendees.
Spokane-Coeur d’Alene Wood Bat Classic - American Legion Baseball, Thursday-July 1, 1,410 attendees.
Hoopfest - Spokane Hoops Association, Saturday-July 1, downtown Spokane, 175,000 attendees.