Scotchman Peaks mountain goat ambassadors needed

The Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness will offer mountain goat ambassador training on May 31 just before the annual State of the Scotchman program.
The mountain goat ambassador program is in its third year. Goat ambassadors hike the popular Scotchman Peaks area trails educating hikers on how to avoid contacting the goats that call the area home. In 2017 the ambassadors were credited with reducing human-goat encounters.
The program will start June 16 and run through October.
The keynote speaker at this year’s State of the Scotchman is goat expert Gayle Joslin. Joslin, who worked several decades with Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks, much of it studying and helping manage mountain goats. Joslin’s presentation will begin at 7:00 pm. The Friend will be providing appetizers and no-host beer and wine will be available as well, according to a news release.
Phil Hough, the executive director of the organization, will update attendees on the status of the peaks following the May 15 advisory vote.
“The outcome was disappointing,” Hough said in a news release, “but we’re still here and we’re still continuing out work. There are a lot of people who agree with us, and we wish to celebrate that, as well as our volunteers who work hard for the Scotchman Peaks.”
The goat ambassador training will start at 5 p.m. at the Oden Town Hall just off Sunnyside east of Kootenai on 200.
For more information:
Hed: Annual State of the Scotchmans scheduled for May 31