12/03 letters
The pits of columns
Leonard Pitts’ opinion piece in today’s Spokesman-Review (Nov. 30), giving his reasons for supporting the criminal prosecution of Donald Trump rather than his possible pardon, states, among other rants, that for those people opposing his view “anger is the means, the end and the message.” Has he looked in the mirror lately? In this same vein, I recall Pitts’ recent column expressing the view that “if you are white, you are racist.” I think that Mr. Pitts’ opinions have ceased to be part of a constructive dialogue and have descended to the level of polemic.
Cal Cathcart
Newman Lake
Pitts perception
Is it the position of The Spokesman-Review that 74 million conservative voters are a cult equivalent to murderers and killers? And that Trump should be prosecuted – and myself and all of the rest of the 74 million as well? Am I not understanding what I think I am reading?
If not, I wonder if anyone reads the thoughts printed by this man (Leonard Pitts, Nov. 30) before they are inserted into your paper? This is your position after all. Awhile back I wondered how Russia could influence our elections as they spent so little money, and all the rest of the media and the tech influence is ALL propaganda. All printed words are – or can be.
I thought your people and the left media wanted us to heal. These are not healing words. Along with AOC and others in cancel culture calling for lists of names of those who supported Trump. That basically our careers and lives should be destroyed. I read a lot in high school and college. Vaguely, I remember Orwell’s “1984,” burning books and all of the rest of these type ideas.
David Paperd
Liberty Lake
Why publish Pitts?
Regarding Leonard Pitts’ “Trump must pay for his criminality” (published Nov. 30): Really? Why does the S-R continue to publish drivel from this raging hypocrite?
Why shouldn’t Joe and Hunter Biden, Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, James Comey, John Brennan, Christopher Steele, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Andrew McCabe and James Clapper be prosecuted for their corruption? Why shouldn’t perpetrators of fraud in the 2020 election be prosecuted?
Oh, I know, only Democrats are above the law because of their good intentions and righteous causes (not!).
Craig Detmer
Mask up, 12th man
To all Seattle Seahawks football fans, and others, please wear a mask, it isn’t like you’re being asked to wear a San Francisco 49ers jersey.
Steve Hintyesz
A bright young lady
Miss Lucie Dhaliwal-Grizzell (Letter to the Editor, Nov. 29), you are wise beyond your years. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and visions. You give me hope for the future.
Happy Holidays! (In honor of Mr. McCandless)
Janet “Pinki” Culbertson